Spotlight On The Go

Spotlight On The Go
One goal of Public Information is to get news to you in ways you want it, when you want it. Spotlight has been printed for our employees and retirees since the 1970s; it's the core of our corporate communications to them. But lately, employees have been asking for something different that better fits their lifestyle.
In an online survey of Spotlight readers earlier this year, nearly half of all employees and retirees said they would prefer to receive the newsletter in some type of electronic newsfeed while 27% said they might prefer this option. So, we got to work creating one for you. is the new site for employee news. The goal is to give you all of the things that you get from Spotlight and more — in an electronic feed that you can quickly access and read. This newsfeed is optimized for you to use on your smartphone, tablet, or on your desktop computer. You can even read it at home -- and so can your family.
Look for stories to get published in this newsfeed just hours or days after something happens, instead of having to wait for the printed Spotlight. You will even find videos and more pictures to accompany the stories.
This doesn't mean we're going to stop printing Spotlight right now. We plan to continue monthly publications for a while, but we do plan to revisit it sometime in the future, after our GUC family has had a chance to see, use, and experience the Spotlight newsfeed.
Check it out now at Stay connected by checking back every few days for updated news you can use.