May 2017 Newsmakers

May 2017 Newsmakers
John Worrell - 30 Years of Service
Assistant Director of Electric Systems John Worrell (pictured with his wife Kari) celebrated 30 years of service with Greenville Utilities this month. He started his career at GUC as the Substation Engineering Coordinator then moved to Electric Planning Engineer in 2000 before recently being promoted into his current position. As the Assistant Director, John has many responsibilities that include overseeing all aspects of our electric systems, coordinating electric engineering work within GUC and with outside consultants, and working closely with the Director of Electric Systems to oversee, maintain, and enhance all areas of the Department. Having a big work family has kept John around for all of these years. "GUC is a family where you have about 400 brothers and sisters," he said. "We share in each other's accomplishments, and an organization of employees like this is hard to find these days." John and his wife, Kari, have a six-year-old son, John Thomas and a four-year-old son Hutch. John also has two grown children, Kersti and Colton. In his free time, he enjoys vacationing at the beach, fishing, golfing, and coaching his kids' sports teams.
Jason Manning - 25 Years of Service
Jason Manning, Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Superintendent, recently celebrated 25 years of service. Jason began his career with Greenville Utilities as a Chemist at the WWTP, was promoted to Environmental Compliance Coordinator in 2007, and was promoted to his current position in 2014. As Superintendent, Jason encourages and supports his team to do the best job possible protecting the environment and serving our customers. He also rewards and encourages lifelong learning and ensures that his team is trained and certified at the highest possible level. His favorite parts about being employed with GUC are the people and his job. "I love the people I work with," Jason said. "I also appreciate the capacity in my position to continually make improvements and effect change in our plant and pump stations." He and his wife of 26 years, Cynthia, have a 21-year-old daughter Ann Marie, and 16-year-old twin boys, Robert and William. Jason is a deacon at his church and enjoys hunting, fishing and golfing. He recently has also taken up a passion for home roasting coffee beans.
Richard Gould — Electric Overhead Lineworker First Class
Stephen Leggett — Electric Underground Lineworker Third Class
Jason Smith — Electric - Overhead Lineworker Second Class
Matthew McLawhorn — Electric Overhead Lineworker Second Class
Brantley Lawrence — Electric Overhead Lineworker Second Class
Kevin Lockamy — Fleet Master Mechanic
Justin Elks — WWTP Maintenance Mechanic III
Chris Evans — Assistant Stores Manager
Carrie Peed — HR E-learning Instructional Designer/Trainer
Jacob Barnes — Electric Engineer I
Our sympathies are extended to Water Treatment Plant Laboratory Technician Kendra Nettles on the death of her father, John H. Battle.
Our condolences go to IT Support Specialist Nick Klapp on the death of his step-mother, Yvonne W. Klapp.
Our condolences also go to Revenue Protection Specialist Anita Cochran on the death of her mother, Jewel Lois Smith.
Our sympathies are extended to Accounting Systems Analyst Meredith Dent on the death of her mother-in-law, Lynn Dent.
Our condolences go to Water Resources Systems Engineer Steve Porter on the death of his mother-in-law, Blanche Nunn.
Sara Lilley and Ashleigh Minton, Co-Chairs of the 2017 Touch A Truck event, wrote an email on behalf of the Junior Women's Association of Greenville thanking all GUC employees involved in the event. "Your participation in bringing your trucks/equipment and operators is truly the foundation of our event," they wrote. "The smiles on the kids' faces when they see your trucks are priceless." Helping at the event were Brantley Lawrence and Stephen Briley (Electric), William Morning and Justin Oakes (Gas), and Greg Lyons and Derek Averill (Water Resources).
Student Services at C.M. Eppes Middle School wrote an email to show their appreciation for Gas Systems Engineer Durk Tyson and Gas Engineer Dillon Wade who shared information at the school's career day. "We know that the hard work you do every day does not stop when you leave your job site," they wrote. "In the same way you inspired our students, we hope their excitement to learn about your career inspired you."
Henry McLeod called to thank Customer Contact Representative I Sean Smith for his help with paying online. "Sean was very professional and helpful," he said.
William Walton with Children's World Learning Centers wrote a thank you e-mail to all staff involved in the relocation of a transformer to facilitate his building construction. "Just want to give a big shout out to GUC," he wrote. "They did a great job and moved this project along at an amazing rate!" Employees involved in the project included Electric Engineer Assistants J. C. Haddock and Mike Dunn, Underground Maintenance Crew Leader Ervin Hardee, Troubleshooter Crew Leader Timothy Pollard, Overhead Lineworker Stephen Briley, and Underground Lineworkers Randy Mills, Brandon Butler, and Walter Gaskins.
Angela McLawhorn with Domtar Personal Care wrote a thank you e-mail to Energy Services Officer Jonathan Sergeant. "Thank you again for speaking to our group today," she wrote. "I have had a lot of positive comments."
Donna Hardison called to extend her gratitude to Pipe Crew Leader Keith Fisher and Equipment Operator Dean Roberson for their outstanding customer service. "They were very caring, courteous, and professional," Ms. Hardison said. "If you want a face for Greenville Utilities, these two men are definitely the perfect ones."
Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Julius Patrick and Lead Operator Chad Flannagan received a thank you card for participating in the Edna Andrews Elementary STEM event.
Customer Contact Representatives Tonya Roebuck, Lee Eakes, and Emily Cruse received a compliment card from Mr. James. "These employees helped me through some rough times," he wrote.
if you have a change of address or a change in family status (marriage, divorce, death, birth, adoption, etc.), please notify HR as soon as possible. It is of upmost importance for HR to have current and accurate information.