Spotlight Newsfeed App Now Available

Spotlight Newsfeed App Now Available
There's something new in the GUC App Store — the Spotlight Newsfeed app! Our IT Department created the app and after testing it for several months, have made it available to download on GUC iPhones and iPads. Even better, you can accept push notifications so that when a new story is published, you'll get an alert right on your GUC device.
Will this work on personal cell phones? Not just yet. We are working to see if we can get it into Apple's App Store so that employees and their families can use it, but that's down the road. In the meantime, check out the how-to directions below for saving the Spotlight Newsfeed on your iPhone or iPad for quick access to GUC stories.
If you do not have a GUC device, follow the steps below for easy access to