Customer Relations Achievements
Customer Relations Achievements
It's safe to say that we've all experienced the reality of waiting on hold when calling a company we do business with. Here at Greenville Utilities, we strive for excellent customer service, which includes answering the phones in record time. We're thrilled to announce that our Customer Contact Representatives (CCRs) have reached some extraordinary achievements.
Since March 2017, the CCRs achieved the goal of answering more than 95% of incoming calls from customers. The call center industry uses a common term called "abandoned call rate." Abandoned calls happen when a customer on hold hangs up before their call is answered. According to the most recent customer service survey conducted by the American Public Power Association, the average abandoned call rate in the public power industry is 13.11%.
At GUC, our CCRs set a goal to not exceed an abandoned call rate of more than 10%, which they have accomplished for nine consecutive months. Taking this even further, the group had zero abandoned calls on November 9, 2017! In fact, their average abandoned call rate for the entire month of November was 1.5%.
"Our staff is committed to achieving goals and staying on top of them no matter what," said Colleen Sicley, Customer Service and Billing Supervisor.
Congratulations to our Customer Relations Department on such a significant achievement. Keep up the exceptional work!