Barrier Removed: Flag Shooter
Barrier Removed: Flag Shooter
Utility Locators have a very important job – to mark existing utility lines before any construction or excavation is done. This important service minimizes facility damages, personal injuries, and service interruptions due to contractors, homeowners, and other utility companies digging near GUC’s underground facilities. Locators help avoid hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in repair costs, and part of their job requires them to place small flags to indicate where services are located.
During an observation, it was noted that putting the flags in the ground led to a great deal of repetitive bending. Our Locators respond to an average of 17,600 locate requests per year, so this repetitive bending puts them at risk for back injuries.
The solution of a flag shooter was mentioned during feedback. This tool allows the flags to be placed from a standing position, preventing Locators from bending down to put flags in the ground. Locators have been using this new tool for about a month, protecting their backs and making the job much easier and safer.