September 2019 Newsmakers

September 2019 Newsmakers
Service Awards
Tammy Warren / 20 Years
Tammy Warren, Systems Dispatcher II in the Electric Department, recently celebrated 20 years of service with GUC. As a Dispatcher at Station 1, she handles everything from outages to customer service and billing questions 24/7. She and the other Dispatchers must be knowledgeable of so many aspects of GUC in order to handle and direct our customers in hundreds of different scenarios. After normal operating hours, they take care of all calls for the Electric, Water Resources, and Gas Departments. They also work closely with the Meter Section and Substation/Controls. “I enjoy the people I work with in Station 1. We are like a family and that means a lot when you’re in a confined area for 8 to 12 hours,” said Tammy. “I am so very proud to work at GUC. The men and women who work out in the field, as well as the people behind the scenes, do their very best to help the community in any kind of weather. Together, we are a community that serves our community. I have really enjoyed these years and look forward to the future.” She and her husband, Garland (a retiree from GUC’s Electric Department), have two adult children (Kyle and Jessica) and three grandchildren, Jasmine (9), Javaeh (8), and Zaiden (3). Tammy enjoys crafting, working in the yard, travelling occasionally, and fellowshipping with her church family in her spare time.
10 years
Jonathan Sergeant, Energy Services Officer
15 years
Jeffrey Cox, Wastewater Treatment Plant Instrument Technician II
Keshia Pierce, Customer Contact Representative II
Travis Ransom, Underground Lineworker First Class
Kevin Jones, Underground Lineworker Second Class
José Ricca, Distribution Water Quality Technician I
Caleb Brickhouse, Overhead Lineworker Second Class
Congratulations to the following Water Treatment Plant (WTP) employees on obtaining certifications from the NC Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board. Brooks Nobles, WTP Operator II, received his A-Surface certification, and Will Hardison, WTP Operator III, received his B-Well certification. To obtain these certifications, employees were tested on a variety of topics including pumps, instrumentation, bacteriology, iron and manganese removal, corrosion control, lab procedures, disinfection, and more. Please also join us in congratulating Water Treatment Plant Instrument Technician II Wade Corbitt on receiving his Class 4 Maintenance Technologist Certification from the North Carolina American Water Works Association – Water Environment Association (NC AWWA-WEA). This is the highest level in this class of certifications.
Congratulations to Human Resources Benefits Administrator Leah Herring and her husband, Patrick, on the birth of their daughter, Eleanor Merritt.
Our deepest condolences to Utility Locator II Cody Adams on the recent passing of his mother, Donna Kay Meza. Mrs. Meza was also the sister of Master Mechanic Jerry Adams and a sister-in-law of Mechanic Supervisor Michael Adams.
Thank You's
Nancy Griffith emailed a thank you note to the following employees for their professionalism during a water pipe replacement in her yard: Water Resources Systems Supervisor Keith Fisher, Pipe Crew Leader Tyrone Moore, Equipment Operators Derek Averill, Chris Rouse, Mike Silverthorne, and Tracy Colville, and Pipe Layers Tony Haywood and Kevin Hudson. “I hope you all realize how important you are to our community,” she wrote.
Mr. Johnson called to compliment Gas Service Worker Senior John Sheppard for providing excellent customer service during a gas leak investigation at his residence. He stated that John was very thorough, polite, and professional.
Jamie Kirby sent a message complimenting Energy Services Officer Jonathan Sergeant on his presentation at Lynndale Garden Club. “It is very helpful to know about the service that you offer to Pitt County homeowners,” she wrote. “Your program kicks off our new [Garden Club] year with valuable information.”
Hundreds of thank you messages from customers were posted on GUC’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts during and after Hurricane Dorian, so be sure to browse through those as well. Here is just one snapshot of messages on Facebook:
Sandra Martinez - Thank you for all you do. We are so glad you get to go home to your families. And thanks to the families for lending your loved ones.
Terry King - Thank you for all each of you continue to do for our community! GUC is outstanding!
Amanda Williams - Thank you so much for all that you do! What an amazing job to get power back on for everyone so quickly.
Tammy Perry Fleming - Great job! Thanks for getting power back on so quickly!
Carolyn Craine - Love GUC!
Dana Stocks Shirley - Thank you for all you do !!!
Amy S Bradshaw - Awesome job as always! Thank you all for your hard work!
Valerie Hulon - Thanks GUC men and women for all you do for us every day!