February 2020 Newsmakers

February 2020 Newsmakers
Service Awards
Toby Corey / 30 Years
Toby Corey, Chief of Maintenance at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP), recently celebrated 30 years of service at Greenville Utilities. Toby supervises the highly skilled team of employees who keep all the instrumentation and equipment at the WTP in top working order and perform any necessary mechanical repairs. They also play a large role in keeping a lot of projects in-house versus contracting out and work closely with the lab and operations staff to ensure that the water treatment process runs smoothly around the clock. “I get to meet a lot of great people in my work,” said Toby. “Every day brings something different.”
Shawn Adams / 25 Years
Overhead (OH) Construction Crew Leader Shawn Adams recently celebrated 25 years of service with GUC. He supervises one of our OH Construction Crews that build electric lines “from scratch,” and work on all major projects involving overhead lines. For example, if a new development project is under construction, Shawn’s crew helps set or replace poles, string primary and secondary lines, etc. The crew also pitches in to assist the Underground section when necessary, and they make up the “holiday” trouble crews so that Troubleshooters can get a break. “I enjoy the guys I work with and the fellowship that we have,” said Shawn. “I also enjoy riding by an area where we’ve completed a construction project. It’s satisfying to see the end result of our hard work, especially in places where there were no power lines before.”
Tammy Forrest / 20 Years
Tammy Forrest recently celebrated 20 years of service at Greenville Utilities. She started out as a Cashier and moved to the Revenue Protection section of the Customer Relations Department in 2010. As a Revenue Protection Specialist, Tammy collects revenue and bad debt. She also investigates reports of meter tampering and represents GUC in criminal court for utility theft, as well as worthless check cases. In addition, she's a graduate of the iLead 2019 class. Tammy’s iLead group project focused on Lineman Pre-Apprenticeship Program for high school students in the area. “I like to work with people across GUC, getting to know them and the different aspects of what they do here,” says Tammy. “I also enjoy that each day at work is not the same for me. I’m always prepared for the unexpected, because it is going to happen.”
10 Years
Robert Pilgreen, Equipment Operator III Water Resources
Robert Lewis, Electric Lineworker Third Class
Natalie O’Neal, Electric Senior Administrative Assistant
David Guy, Electric Lineworker First Class
Wayne Wilson, Water Resources Systems Supervisor
Jay Wetherington, WWTP Inventory & Parts Coordinator
Justin Morris, Electric Protective Relay Technician II
Congratulations to Water Treatment Plant Operator III Sharon Daughtridge and her family on the birth of her grandson, Wesley Lemar.
Our deepest condolences to Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator III Julius Phillips on the loss of his mother, Eunice Lois Gooding.
Our condolences also to Electric Customer Records Clerk Sharon Corey on the recent loss of her brother, William Shivers.
Congratulations to Lou Norris, Secretary to the General Manager/CEO, for being named Ambassador of the Year by the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber Commerce during the group’s Annual Membership Celebration on February 1st. Lou was voted on by her peers in the Chamber’s Ambassador Program. The program consists of volunteers from the Chamber’s membership who donate their time to assist in various activities and encourage participation in Chamber-related programs.
Chief Administrative Officer Chris Padgett was recently elected as Chair of the Board for the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is a recognized leader for business success, strategic economic growth, and community development in Pitt County and eastern North Carolina. Chris began his term as Chair on January 1st.
General Manager/CEO Tony Cannon has been elected to the Board of Directors of ElectriCities of NC, an organization that represents cities, towns, and universities that own their electric distribution systems. GUC is a member of ElectriCities, along with more than 90 other members in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Tony was also elected to serve as Secretary to the Board.