Stores Warehouse Opens at New Operations Center

Stores Warehouse Opens at New Operations Center

Crews worked for weeks, including weekends, moving supplies and equipment to ensure that Stores Warehouse could open for business at the new Operations Center on Monday, October 5th, and the move was a success! The building is at the center of the new Operations Center campus and features a large, central counter where employees can get supplies, tools, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
In addition to the centrally-located counter, the building features a new rack system, as well as uniform and logo shops. The uniform and logo shops are not fully functional yet, but will be soon. “We’ve been working hard, moving items and learning a new app that will help us provide excellent service to employees,” said Hunter Dixon, Stores Warehouse Manager. “We have also had a good amount of help from crews who have moved supplies from Mumford Road to the new site. Everyone has pitched in to help.”
Crews can access the building by driving inside the security gate and parking in the lot right next to the building. Other employees will simply need to park in the employee or visitors’ lot and walk through the gate. All employees should enter the building at the corner that faces the Support Services Building.