New Observers Join the Lighthouse Ranks
New Observers Join the Lighthouse Ranks
2021 brought new observers to the Lighthouse process. Each of these employees completed the Day One and Day Two Lighthouse training sessions, where they learned the specifics about performing observations and completing reports. During Day Two, they partnered with an experienced Observer to practice their new skills out in the field. Many thanks to these employees for stepping up as active participants in making GUC safer for everyone!
Kendra Fields, Customer Contact Representative I
JC Haddock, Electric Engineer Assistant II
Kristen Jarman, WWTP Support Specialist III
Charles May, Electric Control Systems Technician II
Justin Morris, Electric Protective Relay Technician II
Steven Norris, Electric Communications Technician II
Jeff Oakley, Electric Engineer Assistant II
Kelly Powell, Accountant Auditor I
Nicolas Proctor, Electric Overhead Lineworker Third Class
Stanley Roberson, Electric Underground Lineworker Third Class
Noel Whitley, Electric Control Systems Technician III
New Lighthouse Steering Team Members
Two new members have joined the Lighthouse Steering Team (LST). Representatives across GUC departments serve on the LST for two 2-year terms. The Team provides oversight, training, coaching, and guidance for the Lighthouse Process.
Stanley Roberson (Electric Underground Lineworker, Third Class) represents the Electric Department and took the spot that was held by Billy Owens, Electric Overhead Lineworker First Class). Paul Edwards, Gas Systems Operator I, filled the vacant Gas Department spot.
Stanley and Paul join LST members Linda Clark (Public Information), Brian Greer (Water Treatment Plant), Chris Hudson (Electric), Kevin Hudson (Utility Locate Services), Karen Preston (Wastewater Treatment Plant), and Brandie Whitehurst (Finance). Mickey Dawson (Gas) continues to serve as the Facilitator for the Lighthouse Process.