Inside HR: Virtual Care

Inside HR: Virtual Care
Did you know there is health care at your fingertips? Check out the following ways you and your dependents can access doctors and nurses 24/7 from the comfort of your home. Please note that these services are for employees who are covered under GUC’s health insurance plans.
Cigna Telehealth Connection
Talk to a nurse. Unsure whether virtual care is right for your medical problem? Get guidance, at no extra cost to you, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To speak with a nurse, call 800-244-6224.
Teledoc Medical Care
Through Teledoc Medical, you can talk to a board-certified doctor any time, day or night. It’s perfect for when your doctor’s office is closed, you’re too sick or busy to see someone in person, or when you’re traveling. This video service includes consultation, diagnosis, and prescriptions (when appropriate) using a website or mobile application.
Teledoc providers can treat the following conditions:
General Health
• Acne
• Allergies
• Constipation
• Cough
• Diarrhea
• Ear problems
• Fever
• Flu
• Headache
• Insect bites
• Nausea
• Pink eye
• Rash
• Respiratory problems
• Sore throats
• Urinary problems/UTI
• Vaginitis
• Vomiting
Pediatric Care
• Cold or Flu
• Constipation
• Ear infection
• Nausea
• Pink eye
• Vomiting
Two options are available for using Teledoc Medical Care, Amwell for Cigna and MDLIVE for Cigna. For either option, each family member (employee, spouse, or minor dependents) must create his or her own account. The following information will be needed to register:
• First and Last Name
• Gender
• Date of birth
• Cigna Customer ID
MDLIVE for Cigna
Covered employees and eligible dependents may access the program by using one of the following:
1. Visit their website at Professional information about physicians and their availability is provided for your review online. You may select any physician from the MDLIVE physician network as well as the time you wish to have your consultation.
2. Follow links from the “Find a Provider” page on The link will be identical to the one described above, directing customers to MDLIVE.
3. Call 888.726.3171 to speak with an MDLIVE customer service representative to obtain information about available physicians and request a phone or an online consultation with the physician of your choice.
4. Download the iOS or Android™ App by searching "MDLIVE"
Our GUC Occupational Health Clinic staff is happy to help you enroll in either Teledoc service.