GUC Begins Annual Gas Pipeline Inspection

GUC Begins Annual Gas Pipeline Inspection
Our Gas Department is conducting an annual inspection of natural gas pipelines. To maintain the safety of our pipelines, all portions of the gas system must be inspected in accordance with federal, state, and local guidelines to ensure compliance, system operation, and public safety.
The Gas Department maintains more than 1,100 miles of gas pipeline in Pitt County, safely transporting natural gas. This requires the inspection to be conducted in sections over a period of three years. This year, workers will inspect about 9,072 gas meters & risers and more than 501 miles of pipeline.
Between now and October, people living along or near gas pipelines may notice a contractor from Southern Cross Utilities Inspection Services conducting the inspection for GUC, looking for possible leaks. Their work involves walking around roads, fields, and yards, including all gas meters.
Each contractor will have identification and will NOT need access to any homes, businesses, or offices, nor will they ask for any money or personal information.
If you come across a customer who has questions about this program, please have them call our Gas Department at 252-551-1587.