Revised Smoking & Vaping Policy

Revised Smoking & Vaping Policy
A growing concern among GUC employees about second-hand smoke is being addressed with an update to GUC’s Smoking Policy, which now includes vaping.
After hearing concerns from employees about second-hand smoke exposure in the workplace, General Manager/CEO Tony Cannon asked Human Resources to review GUC’s Smoking Policy. HR gathered a cross-functional group of employees to form an ad hoc committee comprised of both smokers and non-smokers.
After several meetings and many hours of reviewing our current policy and those of other organizations, the committee recommended revisions to our Smoking Policy, including the addition of vaping.
Policy Revisions
The revised Smoking and Vaping Policy strives to provide a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for both the public and GUC’s employees and visitors. The policy regulates smoking and vaping inside and near GUC facilities, inside vehicles and closed-cab equipment, and on job sites. The policy applies to all employees, customers, and visitors of GUC facilities and to all our employees and contractors on job sites.
Here are a few key details of the policy:
1. Smoking and vaping are permissible on Commission grounds at designated smoking stations or a minimum of 25 feet away from facility entrances.
2. Designated smoking and vaping stations will meet the following criteria:
- Shall not be visible from the public’s main entrance.
- Shall have proper disposal receptacle available.
3. Smoking and vaping are prohibited in any Commission vehicles and Commission closed-cab equipment.
4. Smoking and vaping are prohibited within 25 feet of employees actively working on worksites. This policy is in addition to any policies established by property owners at worksites.
The revised Smoking and Vaping Policy will go into effect October 1, 2023, and was emailed to all employees on September 11th. If you have any questions, please follow up with your department's leadership team or with a member of HR. If you are interested in learning more about smoking cessation programs, please contact your HR Business Partner.