Adam Cross Retires

Adam Cross Retires

January 13, 2025

Adam Cross, Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Maintenance Mechanic III, has retired after 20 years of service with Greenville Utilities. 

Adam was part of a team responsible for keeping all of the mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, and instrumentation systems operable at the WWTP, as well as the 44 remote pump stations that send wastewater flow to the treatment plant. While the team is multi-skilled with knowledge of basic electronics and hydraulics, their main responsibilities involve pump and wet well discharge pipe installations, maintenance, and replacement.   

Adam was one of two welders at the Plant. He mostly welded on site in wet wells located within pump stations and occasionally in the shop. Adam also helped our Fleet staff at the garage with aluminum welding when needed. He has a Grade 3 Maintenance Technology certification and a Grade 4 (highest level) Collection Systems Operator certification through the state, as well as a state CDL (license). 

Adam says the memories that really stand out for him over the last 20 years at GUC are the floods that affected GUC. “It’s hard to forget the days of taking a boat to check on pump stations,” he said. “There was a time I stayed at the Plant for almost two weeks following a storm. Overall, I enjoyed coming here. It’s peaceful, and we have a good group of folks here with a lot of different talents.”

Originally from Illinois, Adam comes from a large family of ten. He served in the Navy for six years before landing in Grimesland. He has four sons in their 20s (Kyle, Travis, Brock, and Skyler), a three-year-old grandson, Jameson, and a one-year-old granddaughter, Caroline. Brock lives in Montana and the others are scattered across North Carolina.   

With more time that retirement will afford him, he plans to travel more to visit his kids, grandkids, and other family. He’ll also be working on things around the house, doing yard work, and building trailers and grills (from pig cookers to smokers) for friends and family. A Duke and ECU fan, Adam hopes to attend more Duke basketball games and ECU baseball and football games. 

Adam, we wish you the very best in retirement!