Notes of Appreciation - Hurricane Ida

Notes of Appreciation - Hurricane Ida
Thank You Messages Received Via Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram Following Hurricane Ida:
Cindy Breaux Vicknair - From the inner reaches of my heart I humbly thank you for coming to Louisiana. Our bayou towns have been devastated. Thank you so very much. Prayers for your people’s safety.
Garrett Little - All of us in SW Louisiana were affected by Laura and Delta last year and we were truly humbled by all the support we received from contractors and co-ops near and far…many of which spent more than two months restoring our electricity. All of SE Louisiana is grateful for your crews and what they are enduring to get power restored. Continue to be SAFE!! God Bless y’all and GO PIRATES!!
Tiffany Malbrough Toups - THANK YOU from the BAYOU! God bless you guys for what you are doing to help restore our community in Houma, Louisiana! We are forever grateful! Each day we become a little closer to normalcy again.
Wendy JP - Thank you from this Louisiana woman living in Greenville!
Heather Mahany - Our GUC guys are the best! Thank you for all you do for our communities and everyone else’s.
Wanda Briley Oakley - Stay safe, prayers for all.
Katherine Ballard Burroughs - Thank you for all you do.
Joann Mizell - Be safe prayers for all of you.
Marilyn James Blalock - Prayers for all working in the storm areas.
Katey Mills - Those of us here in Greenville know how fortunate we are to have these folks. They always work so hard for this community. Proud of them for being able to go help out there through this hard time. Be safe!
Manning Tammy - You're all heroes in my book. Praise God you're helping them.
Dawn Vicknair Moore - I am from Houma, Louisiana! My family and I appreciate you guys! Thank you so much!!
Barbara Randy Coggins - You all are heroes! Thank you!
Cynthia Dilda - Prayers for safety and a quick return home!
Debbie Vazquez - Thank you for your help and service. Stay safe and God Bless!
Lisa Matthews Bunting - Thank You for sharing. I have been praying for all of you to remain safe and a safe return.
Kathy Braxton - God Bless these linemen, please be safe.
Donna Riddick - Thank you and stay safe!
Judy Mizell Murray - Prayers
Cameon Ravenscroft - Lord keep them safe!
Theresa Howell - Prayers for you all.
Frankie Bunting - Bless all of you!
Danny Gonzalez - Way to go GUC! Stand tall, be safe.
Sandra Bonner - Bless you all.
Anthony Burroughs - Gotta love GUC. We are blessed in Greenville to have them. Nothing like electricity. Thanks GUC for helping others.
John N Vonda Sheppard - Great job GUC employees!!
Janet Daniels - Glad y’all are safe.
Tami Flynn - Thank you!
Karrie D Dryden - Thank you!
Mark Tripp - Make us all proud GUC.
Sandy Reel – Always at their best. I’m so proud of GUC.
pccjac - Top Notch!
mamab3nc - So proud of our hometown heroes! Y'all are always ready, willing and able to lend a helping hand in any disaster. Thank you for your selfless acts of kindness and may God bless each of you and keep you safe during your humanitarian mission.
Greenville NC Happy Hour – So proud of our Greenville Utilities crew helping out after Hurricane Ida!
ElectriCities – Keep up the great work!