
The primary goal of our safety efforts is to keep our employees safe by discovering what exposures they are dealing with and determining how best to eliminate those exposures. To do this, a great deal of data is gathered through Job Safety Briefings (JSBs), Safety Contacts, and...

GUC’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) laboratory recently passed its annual Quality Assurance Study with flying colors.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance...

In true GUC fashion, many employees took time these last few weeks of the year to spread a little cheer to those in need!
Water Resources adopted three children this year whose names they received from...

Service Awards
George Darden / 25 Years
Control Room Operator II George Darden recently celebrated 25 years of...

The day we interviewed Warehouse Manager Chris Evans, he was working on short- and long-term solutions for GUC to the worldwide supply chain issue. And who better to predict what our crews will need in the coming year or two than someone with varied Greenville Utilities experience....

Hats off to our operating departments for continuing the tradition of participating in the Greenville Jaycees’ Christmas Parade – this year on December 4th. For the sixth time, it was held at night, so the parade was filled with festive, twinkling lights. ...

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is now in the rear-view mirror, but our work to keep us all cyber safe continues with this new monthly ‘Cyber Talk’ column in Spotlight. Each...

Control Systems Technician II Rodney Sutton has retired after 26 years of service with GUC. Rodney was part of the team responsible for installing and...

Safety is important here at GUC. It’s not only embedded in our mission statement, it’s also a core organizational value. In case you forgot, you can see the mission statement on the card you probably have with your GUC ID. It also has GUC’s vision and values....

In the utility industry, eight years, seven months, and eight days is a long time to go without a lost worktime injury - and that's exactly what our Gas Department accomplished recently - almost one million hours!

If you’ve driven through the intersection of Memorial Drive and Third Street over the past few months, you probably noticed heavy construction activity. That was a contractor for our Gas Department replacing a natural gas main that was attached to the Memorial Drive Bridge. The...

Service Awards
Randy Emory / 35 Years
Randy Emory, P.E., recently celebrated 35 years of service with Greenville...

Hats off to our Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) “Smooth Operators” team for making history the week of October 17th – when they became the first team in the U.S. and Canada to place 1st Overall in the brand-new Division III of the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Operators...

The time to prepare for an emergency is before it happens. That’s what emergency tabletop exercises are all about. Our Gas Department had such an exercise on November 16th.
A group gathered and talked through a mock...

Greenville Utilities has received two Mutual Aid Commendation from the American Public Power Association (APPA) for providing mutual aid power restoration efforts to the Groton Utilities and Terrebonne Parish Utilities...

Our United Way (UW) Committee would like to thank employees for their support this past year. GUC’s contributions are assisting the United Way of Pitt County with its commitment to three community focus areas: ‘Education’ (school success), ‘Earnings’...

Who doesn’t love decorating this time of year? It’s one of the best ways to get in the holiday mood! However, according to the National Safety Council, emergency rooms see thousands of injuries involving holiday decorating every year. Follow these tips from...

In the Boy Scouts, they say that every Scout deserves a trained leader. The same can be said about GUC employees – every employee deserves a trained leader. With many retirements and changes over time, that’s become more of a challenge. ...

A Time for Science
Chad Flannagan (Water Treatment Plant) shared our water treatment demo model with the A Time for Science “Lab RATS” (Research & Advancements in Technology & Science) program students on October 21st. The portable model...