October 2021: In The Community

October 2021: In The Community
A Time for Science
Chad Flannagan (Water Treatment Plant) shared our water treatment demo model with the A Time for Science “Lab RATS” (Research & Advancements in Technology & Science) program students on October 21st. The portable model is interactive and demonstrates on a small scale the entire water treatment process – from flocculation and sedimentation all the way through filtration and disinfection.
Heart Walk
Thank you to our GUC American Heart Association (AHA) Heart Walk team captains, team members, and donors who raised $2,015 for the AHA in October. Through the participation of GUC teams and other community teams, the Greenville AHA Heart Walk raised $37,978. Thank you to the following team captains for : Water Resources Senior Administrative Assistant LouAnne Baker’s “Hydrating Hearts,” IT Business Analyst IV Becka Hanson’s “GUC Can Do it With IT,” HR Administrative Assistant Scott Jablonski’s “HeaRt of GUC,” Secretary to the General Manager Lou Norris’s “Beanie’s Team,” Senior Financial Planning and Rates Analyst Amanda Wall’s “Walk This Way,” Communications Specialist Erin Walton’s “Together We Perspire,” and Customer Relations Administrative Assistant LeAnne Wetherington’s “CUR Team.” Thank you also to Chief Financial Officer Jeff McCauley for serving as the chair for the Greenville event, and for rallying together the community (and GUC teams) for this cause.
Better Skills, Better Jobs Fair
Our Human Resources staff assisted community partners with planning the “Better Skills, Better Jobs Fair” that took place on October 26th at the Greenville Convention Center. The fair was sponsored by the John M. Belk Endowment, Pitt Community College, Greenville ENC Alliance, and Pitt County Economic Development. Community planning partners included GUC, Pitt County Schools, East Carolina University, Tradesformers, NC Coastal Society for Human Resource Management, NCWorks, and Vidant Health. This inaugural job fair included 90 employers and 610 job seekers. Big thanks to the following HR employees for representing GUC on the event planning committee or at the event: Angie Fuller, Richie Shreves, Leah Herring, and Lena Previll.