United Way
Hats off to our United Way Committee and to employees for a successful campaign. The committee works hard year-round raising awareness and money to support the mission of our local United Way. An appreciation lunch was held recently in honor of employees who contributed at the Leadership level for this year's campaign. Pictured is Dail Booth (Water Treatment Plant) and LeAnne Wetherington (Customer Relations) making cotton candy.
ECU Career Fairs
Emily Barnes (Public Information) gets to know students with the ECU School of Communications at the school's annual career fair.
Some of our engineering and IT staff spent time with ECU students and faculty during the ECU College of Engineering and Technology Networking Day. Thank you to Scott Farmer (Water Resources), Eric Phillips (IT), John Worrell (Electric), Natasha Ashton (HR), and Ken Wade (Electric) for helping out that day.
South Greenville Elementary
Steve Hawley (Public Information) gave South Greenville Elementary students a presentation on all the different career opportunities Greenville Utilities offers.
NC Career Alliance
Jason Manning (Water Treatment Plant) and Jonathan Sergeant (Energy Services - not pictured) share career information at the Eastern North Carolina Career Alliance Fair in Raleigh while attendees fill out online job applications with GUC.