February 2021 Featured Employee: Bobby Adams

February 2021 Featured Employee: Bobby Adams
Electric Underground Crew Leader Bobby Adams’ enthusiasm for the outdoors led him to a career in tree trimming and, ultimately, linework at Greenville Utilities. He will celebrate 29 years of service with GUC in March.
Bobby began his career with GUC as a Tree Trimmer Helper, after having previously worked in tree trimming with a contractor. He was later promoted to Tree Trimmer, Underground Lineworker Third Class, and then Underground Lineworker Second Class. Bobby was promoted to his current position in 2007 and leads an Underground Service crew of three.
Bobby and his team install underground electric residential service lines, troubleshoot and repair underground service lines and secondary cables, and occasionally assist the construction crews when needed. “We’ve mostly worked new installs because there has been so much new construction,” he said.
Bobby is right, they have been busy with new installations. In 2019 and 2020, Pitt County (including Greenville and Winterville) saw its highest number of construction permits for new single-family homes since 2007.
"There’s never a dull moment in this work,” he said. “And I really enjoy the camaraderie with my co-workers and being able to work outside.”
Bobby has also been on his fair share of mutual aid trips following hurricanes and winter storms – mostly along the east coast of the country. GUC occasionally provides mutual aid to other public utilities following catastrophic storms, and we’ve been on the receiving end of mutual aid as well. “I’ve enjoyed helping people who really needed our help, people who have been without power for a while,” he said. “They show a lot of appreciation when you get them back on.”
When asked what advice Bobby gives to those coming into linework, he said he always tells his crews to listen to those above them and/or with more experience. “I also tell them if there is an opportunity to advance in the job or to progress your learning, take it, especially if it’s in construction.”
A Pitt County native, Bobby and his wife, Mary, have been married for 23 years. He and Mary have three nieces (Kristen, Ariel, and Holly Beth) as well as nephew, Zethyn, who they have enjoyed helping to raise like their own. Mary is the office manager at Ameriprise.
Bobby and Mary both enjoy using their Pirate Club membership to attend ECU baseball and football games. He also enjoys fishing, mostly for trout, drum, and flounder, and working in his vegetable garden.
Movie: Jaws
Favorite Sports Team: ECU
Favorite Vacation: Myrtle Beach, SC
Favorite Restaurant: Ribeyes