Celebrating the Benefits of Community Ownership

Celebrating the Benefits of Community Ownership
GUC celebrated Public Power Week and Public Natural Gas Week October 4 – 10. These annual events provide us a time to celebrate with our community the many advantages that locally-owned and operated utilities provide. Our celebrations looked much different this year due to the pandemic.
Public Information shared the many benefits of being a public utility with customers and employees in a variety of ways. We ran print ads in The Daily Reflector and had slides and videos running on GUCtv and social media.
Since we could not extend the celebration this year through events, we put together GUC-branded giveaways for employees and drive-through customers. Public Information also filmed virtual tours to share, one highlighting our Electric Point of Delivery system and the other highlighting our Liquefied Natural Gas facility. You can watch those videos on the Spotlight Newsfeed at spotlight.guc.com.
Public utilities offer many advantages for the communities they serve. Here are some of the benefits that make GUC a valuable part of our region:
- Low Rates – GUC’s rates are lower than most utility companies in the region, usually below the median rate when compared to other public-owned, member-owned, and for-profit companies
- Local Investment – All rates and charges go right back into our system to provide safe, reliable services; maintain operations; and support the growth of the Greenville region, not into shareholder pockets.
- Local Control – The GUC Board of Commissioners is appointed by the City Council and made up entirely of GUC customers. Decisions they make are in the interest of our customers here at home, not out-of-town stockholders.
- In the Community – We support our community in a variety of ways through education, environmental stewardship, and community events. We do it because it’s our community too. We’re our customers’ neighbors.
- Economic Development – Greenville Utilities provides utility solutions which serve as the foundation for growth in the Greenville region.