Operation Spring Clean Begins Soon

Operation Spring Clean Begins Soon
Greenville Utilities is conducting “Operation Spring Clean,” a preventive maintenance program to ensure that GUC customers continue to receive high quality water. The system-wide cleaning program begins March 20th and will continue through June 17th. During the 13-week program, all 722 miles of GUC’s water distribution system will be cleaned. The program involves opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short time.
“To minimize inconvenience to customers, cleaning will be conducted Sunday through Friday from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.,” said Randy Emory, Director of Water Resources. “Water service will not be interrupted because of Operation Spring Clean; however, we advise customers to avoid using water (if possible) when their lines are being cleaned.”
Although there is no health risk, the cleaning process involves flushing the pipes with high velocities of water. As a result, water may be discolored for a short period of time. GUC advises customers to avoid washing clothes until the water is clear.
If customers experience any air or discolored water in their water lines as a result of Operation Spring Clean, GUC recommends turning on the cold-water faucet in the bathtub and running the water for 5 to 10 minutes until it runs clear.
Information will be posted on guc.com, as well as on Facebook and Twitter. In addition, our Public Information Office has prepared weekly news releases, ads, and cable TV messages to inform the public of the program. If customers have questions about the program, please direct them to the website or advise them to call GUC at 551-1551 for specific information on the Operation Spring Clean schedule.