Backing Safety

Backing Safety

March 28, 2023

We all have one activity in common that is our biggest risk of having a serious injury or fatality — driving. Many of us drive as part of our daily work; most (if not all) of us drive as part of our life outside of work.   

One driving exposure to pay particular attention to is backing. Here are some tips to stay safe when backing a vehicle: 

  • The best way to prevent backing-related incidents is to eliminate backing as much as possible. Most work areas can be set up so that backing up is not necessary.  
  • Look for pull-through parking when choosing a parking space; if that’s not possible, carefully back into the space so that you can easily pull forward when you leave. 
  • Walk around your vehicle so you’re aware of what is in your blind spots. 
  • If backing is necessary and there are hazards, such as other ground personnel or fixed objects in the area, use a spotter.  

What will you do to make sure you’re backing safely?