GUC's Call Center handles between 500 and 1,500 calls each day, and Customer Contact Representative Keshia Pierce is one of the many smiling faces that customers hear through the phone. From new service setup to disconnects, transfers, and answering a variety of questions, she does a lot to help out our customers.
Originally from Vanceboro and a graduate of Elizabeth City State University, Keshia has been with GUC since August of 2014. She has a Bachelor of Science in Sports Management and Administration, and although she isn't managing athletes at GUC, she loves building relationships with her co-workers and customers.
"I definitely love where I work," Keshia said. "I like my work environment, and I enjoy working in the Call Center. It's easier coming to work with people you enjoy working with than being stressed out about coming to work."
Customer Contact Representatives (CCRs) are often a customer's first contact with GUC, either in person or on the phone. They work with new customers to have electric, water, sewer and/or natural gas cut on. CCRs also receive all applications for new and existing residential, commercial, and industrial customers. In addition, they respond to a variety of customer inquiries.
Keshia said she enjoys the challenges that come her way each day, like helping GUC's non-English speaking customers. "We can connect these customers with an interpreter through our Language Line," she said, referring to a 24-hour a day service that is free to our customers. GUC employees call the interpreter who relays messages from customers to employees, and vice versa. "It's a great service for us and our customers," Keshia said.
Outside of work, Keshia enjoys spending time with her husband, Robert, and their two-year-old daughter, Londyn, as they watch Keshia's little brother, Justin Hardy, play football. Justin, a former ECU Pirate, is now a wide receiver for the Atlanta Falcons.
Keshia said that she tries to spend as much time with her brother as possible, despite him living in Atlanta. Justin recently came up to visit for Easter; and Keshia said that getting the family together in one place is all the more special since both of her brothers are out of town. Her oldest brother lives in Kernersville with his wife and their two kids, and her mother lives in Vanceboro.
When the family is together, they enjoy going out to dinner, playing Jenga and Spades, or just watching TV. Even though she has a professional athlete as a brother she says "nothing has changed."
What does change for Keshia from week to week is her hairstyle. "I really like hair and makeup," Keshia said with a laugh. "My hair is always different."
Keshia also works as a freelance model. "I do a lot of modeling and am interested in doing commercial and beauty shoots," Keshia said. "I'm trying to finish my portfolio now. I definitely want to try and get into magazines and do runway shows."
GUC is fortunate to have motivated employees like Keshia to provide our customers with excellent care.