November 2018 Newsmakers

November 2018 Newsmakers
Service Awards
Anthony Miller / 30 Years
Anthony Miller, Director of Gas Systems, recently celebrated 30 years of service with GUC. Anthony began his GUC career as our first Gas Systems Engineer in 1988. In 1991, he was named Director of Gas Systems. He is responsible for the overall operation of the Gas Department.
“I have been richly blessed to experience many wonderful opportunities during my GUC career,” said Anthony. “GUC values community involvement, which has afforded me opportunities to serve on many community, state, and national organization boards where I have met and interacted with many people and gained experience that has enriched both my personal and professional life. GUC also has a culture that supports creative problem solving, which has allowed the Gas Department to be innovative in utilizing technology to control costs, increase productivity, enhance efficiencies, and improve reliability and safety. GUC’s great reputation as an employer has allowed the Gas Department to attract and employ wonderful people – all these things have helped the Gas Department build a great reputation for reliability, safety, and customer service.”
GUC’s Natural Gas System has seen tremendous growth in the last 30 years. The miles of gas main have grown from 262 to 624 (138% increase). The number of gas customers has increased by 226% (7,102 in 1988 to 23,152 currently). Our system has received numerous state and national awards. Notable accomplishments include becoming the first North Carolina public utility to build a Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Facility as well as constructing the only publicly-owned Compressed Natural Gas Fueling Station in North Carolina east of I-95.
Anthony attributes the success of the department to past and current personnel who work hard to ensure customers receive quality and reliable service. Anthony said, “my fondest memory at GUC does not involve awards, accomplishments, or peer recognition, but instead comes from watching the individuals within the Gas Department come into their own and be recognized for their skills and accomplishments.”
Anthony is married to Nikki and they have two daughters, Gabrielle, law graduate of George Washington University, and Moriah, a sophomore at Wake Tech in Raleigh, N.C. Anthony and Nikki are active at Sycamore Hill Missionary Baptist Church, where Anthony teaches Sunday school. He also enjoys golfing.
10 Years
Kevin Hudson, Water Resources Pipe Layer I
Mark Nash, Facilities Maintenance Crew Leader
Corey Weeks, Cashier I
15 years
Blake Horton, Electric Meter Specialist
Leon Kornegay, Meter Technician II
Brandon Vernelson, Meter Technician II
Shirley Peele, Gas Staff Support Specialist III
Please join us in congratulating the following Water Treatment Plant employees on passing their certification exams from the NC Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board:
Cheryl Irwin, Laboratory Technician, A-Surface Certification
Brian Shannon, Operator, A-Well Certification
Kendra Nettles, Laboratory Technician, C-Surface Certification
Wade Corbitt, Instrument Technician, C-Surface Certification
Tripp Morgan, Maintenance Mechanic, C-Surface Certification
To obtain these certifications, employees attended a weeklong school where they studied and were tested on a variety of topics including pumps, instrumentation, bacteriology, iron and manganese removal, corrosion control, lab procedures, disinfection, and more.
Congratulations also to Stormi Amendt, WTP Laboratory Technician, on passing her Grade I Physical/Chemical certification exam from the Water Pollution Control Systems Operators Certification Commission.
Our deepest sympathies to IT Support Specialist Jason White on the death of his Grandmother, Joyce Peaks Dean.
Our condolences to Electric Overhead Lineworker Zach Kruger on the death of his father, William “Bill” Kruger.
Our deepest condolences also go to Electric Control Systems Technician Brian Smith on the death of his mother, Mildred Smith.
New Hires
Derek Elks,
Electric Underground
Lineworker First Class
Patrick House,
GIS Technician I
Spencer Letchworth,
Water Resources
Construction Inspector I