September 2024 Board Notes

September 2024 Board Notes
Human Resources Manager Lena Previl gave Commissioners the annual update on GUC’s efforts to build a diverse workforce. Among the many efforts she described, Lena spoke about how GUC is expanding our partnerships with outside entities to build pipelines to recruit diverse applicants. Highlighted were efforts to work with Pitt County Schools, Pitt Community College, East Carolina University, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, the “Divine Nine” minority fraternities and sororities, and the Chamber of Commerce. This included how efforts for more of our GUC departments to bring on high school students in pre-apprentice programs, including Tradesformers, and how several pre-apprentices and interns were hired into full-time positions upon graduation.
Lena also noted how we saw an increase in the number of female and minority employees at GUC in the past year and how we plan to continue diversity awareness training for new and existing employees.