November 2016 In The Community

November 2016 In The Community
GUC Hosts Energy Code Workshop
Greenville Utilities Energy Services hosted the NC Residential Energy Code Essentials Workshop on November 18th at the Hilton in Greenville. The workshop was held in partnership with Appalachian State University (ASU) and the North Carolina Energy Efficiency Alliance.
The half-day event educated participants on key provisions of the NC Energy Code. It focused on problems identified during ASU's recent field study of 250 new homes. Topics included a quick overview and details on slab insulation, insulation coverage and installation practices, knee walls, lighting, duct sealing, and air sealing.
"This workshop is truly a big step for the Eastern part of our state and we are at the forefront, as we always have been in so many ways," said GUC's Energy Services Officer Jim Rapin, who co-hosted the workshop with Chuck Perry, who served as the lead instructor at the workshop.
Mr. Perry is the Program Director for the North Carolina Energy Efficiency Alliance (NCEEA) at ASU. He has 25 years of experience in the residential new home industry and, over the years, has developed a passion for high performance construction and sharing better building practices with homebuilders, realtors, and appraisers statewide.
Participants included contractors, builders, engineers, code officials, energy analysis auditors, designers, architects, and students and faculty from both East Carolina University and Pitt Community College.
Pictured above: GUC's Energy Services Officer Jim Rapin (right) with Chuck Perry of Appalachian State University talking to participants at the NC Residential Energy Code Essentials Workshop