Safety Matters

Safety Matters

September 30, 2021

You may recall an article about jumpstarting our safety endeavors in the April issue of Spotlight. The CSI Steering Committee received a lot of input on improvements that can be made around our safety processes and thought it would be important to share an update on those efforts. 

During focus groups over the summer, employees shared some very useful feedback. One change based on that feedback is evaluating the number of safety contacts and Lighthouse observations to reduce duplication of efforts and ensure higher quality results, rather than focusing on hitting a higher goal number. Changes in those activities will be communicated once they are finalized. 

Getting information logged into our apps during those safety contacts, observations, and job safety briefings (JSBs) is good, but the information captured is really only useful if the data can be readily shared. To that end, another focus is coming up with better ways to report information to the CSI Steering Committee and Management Team. There needs to be a way to make it more meaningful and useful to help eliminate barriers and reduce exposures. 

Reporting some of that information to employees is also a focus for CSI. In fact, better communications in general, from supervisors right on up the chain and across the organization, is another item of focus. CSI is looking for ways to improve communications formally, like Spotlight and posters (pictured right), and informally such as through conversations (supervisors are being provided with safety conversation starters each month). 

As you can see, the feedback received from focus groups has had a huge impact on the way we are approaching safety at GUC. This is just the beginning of the progress we hope to make and there are more improvements being discussed. Keep an eye out for updates as more changes are made.