November 2023 Featured Employee: Chad Flannagan

November 2023 Featured Employee: Chad Flannagan
Chad Flannagan, Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Laboratory Manager, joined GUC 11 years ago after eight years with a commercial environmental laboratory. He was an Operator and Lead Operator before moving into his current position in 2020. Chad is responsible for managing the water quality lab staff, four Chemists and two Water Quality Specialists. Chad and his staff are responsible for maintaining federal and state compliance for both the plant and distribution system. Throughout the year, the lab conducts more than 100,000 tests on hundreds of substances to ensure that our drinking water is safe. Samples are taken from the plant and distribution system for bacterial, chemical, and physical analysis. Results are sent to the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality. The lab staff also conducts voluntary, non-compliance testing for things like emerging contaminants to ensure an even higher quality of drinking water for our customers. The lab is state-certified and undergoes an inspection and audit every two years with the NC Department of Health and Human Services. Additionally, our WTP lab is a Certified Wastewater Laboratory due to the Plant’s residuals lagoon that discharges back to the Tar River. The staff participates in voluntary certification programs for Process Chemistry Control and Total and Fecal Coliform Analyses, as well as Operator Certifications. Chad and the team also respond to water quality questions from our customers.
FUN FACT! Chad grew up in Ohio and moved to NC directly after college, so he considers himself an honorary Eastern North Carolinian. He’s even sworn off tomato-based BBQ and converted to vinegar-based BBQ!
What are some favorite things about your job? The people I work with are the best in the state. And the variety of the job - there is always new technology and new regulations, so we are constantly trying to stay ahead the game.
What did you want to be when you were younger? Indiana Jones, aka an archeologist.
What motivates you to work hard? My family.
What is your proudest career accomplishment? Educator of the Year for NC Water Operators Association. Giving back to the water community and passing on knowledge to current and future water professionals is something I strongly believe in.
What was your very first job? My first job was at 16 working at Rax Roast Beef restaurant.
Any GUC projects you’re working on that you’d like to share? We are currently monitoring our PFAS levels and how to move forward with upcoming PFAS regulations from EPA. We are also in the planning stages of our upcoming laboratory renovation, which has not received an upgrade since the Plant was built in 1983.
What advice do you offer to those who are new to the utility industry? Never stop learning. No matter how long you’re in the industry, there is always new technology, techniques, and emerging contaminants. There is always a new skill or knowledge to obtain in this industry.
What is your favorite family or holiday tradition? We have a Christmas “Eve Eve” party with family and friends every December 23rd.
Do you have a favorite family recipe? My mother’s oyster dressing, which is like a casserole.
What would you like us to know about your family? My wife, Kim, and I have a 14-year-old son, Jack, who goes to Rose High, and 10-year-old daughter, Lucy, at Elmhurst Elementary. Jack loves baseball, Lucy loves soccer, and we enjoy watching them. Kim is a social worker.
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Yes, Shenanigans.
Who is your favorite band or singer? The Avett Brothers is my current favorite. I used to work with the bassist’s wife and got to enjoy their smaller gigs before they became famous.
What have been your favorite travel destinations? I love Ocracoke and the western part of the country.
What would you do if you won the lottery? I’d probably take care of family and friends.
Do you collect anything or have any hobbies? I like cooking, gardening, hunting, and bourbon collecting.
What emoji do you use the most? Laughing cry face.
What app do you use the most? Facebook Marketplace.
Coke or Pepsi? Each has its place.
What’s your favorite thing to do when not at work? Spend time with my family.
What is at the top of your bucket list? A trip to Europe.
If given the chance, what time period would you want to want to live in? Ancient Rome.
What’s your favorite season of the year? Fall.
What’s your favorite snack? Cashews or jerky.
Do have you have a favorite sports team? I’m from Ohio, so it’s Ohio State Buckeyes and Cincinnati Bangles and Reds. I moved here in 2003 and consider myself an honorary ECU fan.
What is your favorite restaurant? Anyplace that serves tacos.
What is your favorite movie? Anything produced by Martin Scorsese.
Beach or mountains? Both