GUC received two recognitions in 2024 for its stellar employee wellness programs. These recognitions acknowledge that our wellness programs are comprehensive and foster employee well-being and vitality by offering whole-person consideration and care.
Cigna Healthy Workforce Gold Rating
GUC earned the highest designation a company can earn when we were awarded the 2024 Cigna Healthy Workforce Gold Rating. It shows that GUC goes above and beyond to support the health and well-being of its employees.
Cigna recognizes that GUC demonstrates a healthy workforce commitment through offerings like our onsite Clinic, free membership to the Greenville Aquatics and Fitness Center, online nutrition coaching, the Cigna Employee Assistance and Healthy Babies Prenatal Care programs, fitness apps, personal health metrics, free fitness mini sessions, tobacco cessation resources, a company-wide tobacco policy, and stress management programs.
Though GUC offers an array of wellness programs, what puts us on the top tier of Cigna’s rating are the one-on-one discussions with our HR Business Partners about wellness benefits and ongoing initiatives from the employee-led Wellness Committee.
“We are taking great steps to build a workforce that acknowledges their wellness is important and knows we support them as a whole person,” said HR Business Partner and Wellness Champion Committee member Cort Bazemore.
“We have a clinic onsite, which really put us over the edge in earning this rating, but we also take time with employees. Some companies will outline benefits during orientation only, but we offer one-on-one sessions with each employee to process our wellness benefits package.”
Cort also highlighted that our GUC Wellness Committee offers programs and contests that encourage physically and mentally healthy lifestyles, such as wellness walks, lunch and learns, and more.
HR Director Richie Shreves said this rating recognizes that GUC is invested in whole person well-being. “It’s not just physical wellbeing and maintaining good blood pressure and preventing diabetes but making sure our employees are mentally well and that we have supports in place for whatever an employee needs to be well,” she said.
“Cort has a true passion for wellness and has taken our wellness programs to a whole different level. She is a strong advocate for the wellness initiatives and has a deep understanding of what successful whole-person wellness programs can be in a company setting.”
American Heart Association Silver Recognition
The American Heart Association awarded GUC the Silver Recognition for the 2024 Well-being Works Better Scorecard. The scorecard process required answering a series of questions about what GUC offers for employee wellness, both mental and physical.
“Completing this scorecard really gave me some good ideas about what we could do here at GUC for employees,” Cort said. “It opened my eyes to things that can be done, and things that I’d like to see in the future.”
The American Heart Association’s Well-being Works Better is a program for fostering and evolving a healthy work culture while supporting employees’ health—mind, heart, and body. The Well-being Works Better Scorecard helps leaders assess their health and wellbeing strategy based on top best practices.
“We’re proud to recognize organizations like Greenville Utilities Commission that have made bold moves to build workplaces where everyone can thrive,” said American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown. “By completing the Well-being Works Better Scorecard, these leaders have shown an incredible dedication to the health of their businesses and communities and their contributions are helping us bring to fruition a world of longer, healthier lives for all.”