Leadership Q&A with David Springer

Leadership Q&A with David Springer

David Springer, Director of Water Resources, began his GUC career in 2006 and worked his way to this role via Planning/Programs Engineer, Plants Engineer, and Assistant Director. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from N.C. State University and is a registered Professional Engineer. David is responsible for overseeing the entire Water Resources Department, which includes the overall operations, budget, maintenance, improvement, and expansions of GUC’s water and wastewater systems. He has been active in the water industry for many years, having served as Vice Chairman and now Chairman of the Tar-Pamlico Basin Association and as a member of the NC Water Quality Association’s Regulatory Action Committee.  

David joined GUC from the private sector where he worked his way up from a surveying crew and draftsman to project manager and engineer while attending East Carolina University and then transferring to N.C. State.  

FUN FACT! David delivered two of his children. His second daughter was born at home, unplanned, on the bathroom floor! For the birth of their son, who is their fifth child, the midwife let David deliver him in the hospital – since he had the experience. 

Did you choose leadership or did leadership choose you? I think a bit of both. I have always tried to do a good job wherever I am and whatever I am doing. As a result, opportunities present themselves, typically with more responsibility. Over time, you find yourself in a position of leadership – at work, home, church, etc. I think to begin with, I felt like leadership was choosing me. Now, I am deliberately choosing leadership because I want to make a positive difference in the lives of those around me.   

What have you enjoyed most about your leadership role? Realizing that I actually can and do make a difference. I love developing meaningful relationships with those around me and enjoy seeing people grow, mature, and develop into better leaders themselves.  

What have you enjoyed most about your career in the utility industry? I have really enjoyed being involved in the process of meeting the basic human needs of our society – providing safe, clean drinking water and sanitary sewer services to our community. I’ve been involved in some innovative and exciting projects that have had a significant impact. It provides a great sense of satisfaction knowing that I had a real part in making it happen. I also have really enjoyed the people who I get to work with on a daily basis – true professionals working together for a great cause. 

What advice do you give to those new to a leadership role? Becoming a great leader is a never-ending journey. You will never know it all, and others don’t expect you to. Love people, do your best, and learn from your mistakes. Develop meaningful relationships and seek to truly help people and make a positive difference in your world. 

How do you approach decision-making in challenging situations? I try to sort out all of the relevant facts that I can gather about a particular situation and take the emotion out of the equation as best I can. Then I do my best to make the right decision with the information that I have. Often, decisions may have some difficult consequences, but making the right decision for the right reason is always the best course of action.  

Did you have any role models or mentors who helped you along the way, and can you share any of their advice? My Dad once told me to strive to make myself the most valuable employee that I can be. I’ll always remember that advice. I’ve had a few others come along during critical times in my life who made a difference because they cared. They knew that I could do better than I was doing at the time and were not afraid to share the hard truth. I love them for it and cannot tell you how much of a difference they made in my life.  

How do you prioritize work-life balance as a leader? You have to be deliberate – and sometimes that means you have to make some difficult decisions. If you don’t take care of yourself and your family, then what are you working for? You have to recognize that taking care of yourself is going to make you a more effective leader in all aspects of your life.  

What did you want to be when you were younger? An archaeologist. Then an Architect. A wildlife biologist. After several changes to my major in college, I happened to be in civil engineering and made up my mind to quit changing my mind!  

What is your proudest career accomplishment? I was very proud when I passed all of the tests and met all of the requirements to become a Professional Engineer. It showed me that with hard work and persistence, you can achieve the goals you have set for your life.  

What was your very first job? As a young kid, I sold red wiggler worms to the bait shop. I started out counting 100 worms for each box and quickly figured out that I needed to switch to a volumetric approach. As a teen, I bucked hay before I moved to Pitt County and then, like so many others, I went to work in the tobacco patch. 

What would you like us to know about your family? I was born in Oklahoma and lived in eight different states growing up. Basically, all of the southern states. We moved to Pitt County when I was in the 10th grade, and I later married a local girl. In March, Paula and I will have been married for 24 years, and we dated for 10 before that. We have five kids: Riley (22), Trinity (21), Avery (17), Addison (16), and Seth (10). 

What is your favorite family or holiday tradition? The last few years, my wife has hosted a “Let’s Make a Deal” game for the family on Christmas night. It is a riot! 

Who is your favorite band, singer, or music genre? Wow, I am all over the place on this one. I can’t name just one. I love good music of all kinds.   

What have been your favorite travel destinations? The Grand Canyon with the family a few years ago was an epic trip. My honeymoon with Paula to Andros Island was incredible. Mt. Ranier in Washington State was one of the most beautiful places I’ve visited. There are so many, I plan to see more. 

Do you collect anything or have any hobbies? Too many hobbies and not enough time. I have been collecting arrowheads and Native American artifacts since I was a kid. I also collect rocks, fossils, and all kinds of old stuff. I love hunting, fishing, and traveling. I also love photography and watercolor painting. 

What is at the top of your bucket list? Family life events like graduations, weddings, and hopefully grandchildren! And lots of traveling. Alaska, Ireland, and Italy are at the top of the list right now. 

What’s your favorite season of the year? Fall. It has the beautiful weather and colors plus good hunting and fishing.  

Do have you have a favorite sports team? My alma mater N.C. State. Tough being a State fan! 

Do you have a favorite quote? “What’s in the well will come up in the bucket.” I heard it from the preacher, Adrian Rogers.