Water Treatment Plant Employees Receive State Honors

Water Treatment Plant Employees Receive State Honors
Congratulations are in order for two Water Treatment Plant (WTP) employees who received prestigious state-wide honors this month from the North Carolina Waterworks Operators Association (NCWOA) during its 85th Annual Business Meeting and Awards Luncheon.
Laboratory Analyst of the Year
Brooke Norton, WTP Chemist II, was presented the 2024 NCWOA Laboratory Analyst of the Year Award in appreciation of her outstanding work for GUC and service to the Association.
Each year, the Association recognizes one person who has demonstrated outstanding ability in the field of drinking water analysis, and who has made exceptional achievements and contributions to the field of drinking water analysis and/or drinking water treatment.
Brooke has been with GUC for 16 years as a Chemist. She has gone beyond her certification requirements to hold the highest-level operator certifications. Her experience allows her to use multiple drinking water and wastewater methods that are essential in maintaining laboratory accreditation. She also developed a comprehensive standard operating procedure for bacteriological methods.
“Brooke has used her extensive knowledge and expertise to provide GUC with the highest standards of analysis,” said WTP Facility Manager Julius Patrick. “That work directly translates to our customers receiving the highest quality water possible."
Brooke is the third Chemist from GUC to receive this award in the last four years.
B-Surface Operator of the Year
Brandon Cox, WTP Operator II, was presented the B-Surface Operator of the Year Award by the NCWOA. This award recognizes an operator who has shown incredible ability, devotion, and technical expertise in the operation of a water treatment facility.
Brandon has been with GUC for two and half years and served as WTP Operator II since August. In a short time, he has earned his B-Surface and C-Well Operator Certification.
Brandon’s previous career in law enforcement gives him certain skills that make for an exceptional operator. Those skills include understanding and implementing safety-first practices, showing attention to detail, utilizing effective communication techniques, and maintaining excellent record keeping habits.
“Brandon shows exemplary work ethic and initiative,” said WTP Facility Manager Julius Patrick. “He is eager to learn, not only about operations, but maintenance projects as well.”
Over the past 20 years, WTP staff has received 14 individual awards for meeting water quality goals and providing the highest quality water to customers through hiring and retaining knowledgeable staff.
Join us in congratulating Brooke and Brandon on their achievements in the water industry!