January 2024 Newsmakers

January 2024 Newsmakers
Service Awards
Sharon Daughtridge / 35 Years
Sharon Daughtridge is celebrating 35 years of service with GUC. In her role as a Water Treatment Plant Operator III, she regulates the treatment process, ensuring water quality through constant monitoring, testing, and adjusting chemical levels as necessary. Sharon initially joined the Plant as a part-time Laboratory Technician before transitioning to shift work as an Operator. Over her tenure, Sharon has seen many challenges and changes at GUC, such as the 1999 flood caused by Hurricane Floyd, the Water Plant's capacity expansion from 12 million gallons per day (MGD) to 32 MGD, the introduction of new technologies in the utility sector, and the coming and going of many of her peers. “It’s a lot of responsibility, making sure we provide clean and safe drinking water for our customers, 24/7, 365 days a year,” said Sharon. She was recently asked why she hasn’t retired yet, to which she replied, “I love my job and am really just not ready yet.”
James Dilda / 20 Years
James Dilda, Underground Lineworker First Class, recently celebrated 20 years with GUC. James spent the first nine years of his GUC career in Water Resources Distribution before moving to the Electric Department. As an Underground Lineworker, James is on a crew that installs and maintains underground electric lines and transformers, including repairs and replacements. They also handle larger jobs such as installing main feeder lines and transformers in new subdivisions in addition to installing commercial and industrial services. James has also been on a few mutual aid trips following hurricanes and storms, mostly along the east coast. “I enjoy the company of the other guys – getting to know them over the years,” said James. He also likes being outside, especially after hours when he can play golf.
Tony Richards / 20 Years
Gas Systems Crew Leader Tony Richards is celebrating 20 years at Greenville Utilities. Tony leads a team of Gas System Technicians who operate a service crew truck. The crew responds to cut gas lines and gas leaks, builds and maintains residential and commercial gas meter sets, and works on residential and commercial services for new and existing facilities. Additionally, they locate and repair cut gas lines and perform "cut-ons," where they turn the meter back on and relight appliances. "I work with a great bunch of guys in the field who I learn lessons from every day," said Tony. "The lessons that I learn - I try my best to pass on to others.”
Jason Smith / 20 Years
Jason Smith, Overhead Troubleshooter Crew Leader, is celebrating 20 years with GUC’s Electric Department. He is responsible for one of our Troubleshooter Crews that provide 24/7 response to electric system emergencies on a weekly rotation. During regular hours, they perform small-scale construction, maintenance, and repairs. All trouble calls go through Troubleshooter crews like Jason’s. They evaluate the problems and most often can make repairs. For more serious cases, they determine which crews and equipment are needed. Jason started his GUC career in the Meter Section and worked his way through the Tree Trimming section (including Crew Leader) and Overhead Section to his current role. Jason has also been on six mutual aid trips following hurricanes and storms, mostly along the east coast. Jason said what he’s enjoyed most over the years is meeting new people, helping customers, and fixing problems.
15 years
Jonathan Sergeant, Energy Services Specialist
Kelly Smith, Safety Culture Specialist
10 Years
Tony Jordan, Meter Field Tech II
5 Years
Cathy McGowan, Control Room Operator I
Adam Garris, WWTP Maintenance Mechanic III
Tyler Palochak, Water Quality Specialist II
Logan Smith, Gas Systems Technician II
Luke Hagee, Water Quality Specialist II
Matthew Clark, WTP Maintenance Mechanic II
Alan Cummings, Gas Engineering Coordinator
Carrie Peed, HR Organizational Development and Training Manager, graduated cum laude in December from East Carolina University’s College of Business with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Management with a Concentration in Human Resources Management. Congratulations, Carrie, on this high achievement!
Congratulations to the following Water Treatment Plant (WTP) employees on obtaining certifications from the NC Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board: Operator I Mildred Betancourth-Zuniga received the B-Surface Certification, Chemist II Stormi Amendt received the C-Well Certification, Water Quality Specialist II Tyler Palochak received the A-Distribution Certification, and Chemist II Kendra Nettles received the C-Distribution Certification. Congratulations also to WTP Operations Supervisor Ryan Gregory on receiving the Grade 1 Biological Operator Certification from the NC Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission. To obtain these certifications, employees attend Board-approved schools where they study and are tested on a variety of topics including pumps, instrumentation, bacteriology, iron and manganese removal, corrosion control, lab procedures, disinfection, and more.
Congratulations to Electric Meter Specialist Dustin Jenkins and his wife, Lindsey, on the birth of their daughter, Riley Nicole Jenkins.
Congratulations also to Electric Substation/Controls Engineering Assistant I Joshua Flint and his wife, Ashley, on the birth of their baby boy, Aiden Grant Flint.
Congratulations to Electric Substation Const/Maint. Electrician I Wyatt Blackburn and his wife, Anna, on the birth of their son, Waylon Blackburn.
Congratulations also to Electric Substation/Controls Engineering Assistant I Will Spencer and his wife, Madison, on the birth of their son, William Tripp Spencer.
We extend our sympathies to WWTP Operator III Wesley Asbell for the passing of his mother-in-law, Brenda Rhea Fairless Edwards.
We also extend our condolences to WWTP Laboratory Pretreatment Manager JoEllen Gay on the loss of her mother-in-law, Joyce Gay.
We extend our sympathies to Water Resources Construction Inspector I Brandon Crocker and his family as they mourn the loss of his grandmother, Brenda Jane (Dunn) Turner.
We also extend our condolences to the family of Electric Department retiree Milton E. Staton on his recent passing.
Thank you's
Daniel Farmer sent a message thanking Gas Service Specialists II Chris Wallace and John Sheppard for providing excellent customer service as they responded to a gas leak. “Both of the service workers were very nice and helpful, and I really appreciate the great customer service,” wrote Mr. Farmer.
Phyllis Wynn called in a very nice compliment for Electric Troubleshooter Crew Leader Jason Smith, Overhead Crew Leader Gavin Smith, SCADA Communications Technician Blake Wingate, Const/Maint Electrician Brian Smith, and Lineworkers Tyler Bradshaw, Calvin Whitehead, Jacob Johnson, Matt McLawhorn, and Oscar Vasquez for their work on Highway 102 area outage in December.
Ms. Clemmons called to thank Gas Service Specialists Chris Wallace and Jacob Roberti for providing outstanding customer service while investigating a gas leak at her home. She stated that they answered all her questions and were “awesome and very knowledgeable.”
Mr. Worthington called to compliment Gas Systems Crew Leaders Paul Bunch and Tony Richards, and Gas Systems Technicians Shaun Pridgen, Spencer Dickerson, and Logan Smith for providing great customer service while installing his gas service and quickly restoring his heat. He commended them on their "hard and diligent work."
Sherelyn Woolard recently posted a message on her Facebook page thanking Water Resources Systems O/M Crew Leader II John Roebuck for responding to a water emergency after business hours. “John Roebuck was the best. Thank you for the excellent service,” she wrote.
Mr. Jones wrote a heartfelt message thanking Customer Contact Representative II Cindy Burke for her excellent customer service. He mentioned that she was "very helpful and patient with a crisis."
New Hires
Taylor Braxton,
Tree Trimmer I
Leaton White,
WTP Operator I