New Water Tank Construction Underway

New Water Tank Construction Underway
Our Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is getting a new addition to the tune of three million gallons. In March, construction began on the Plant’s third ground storage tank. Like the other two tanks, it will be able to hold up to three million gallons of treated drinking water.
The purpose of these ground storage tanks is to hold finished drinking water at the Plant until it’s ready to be pumped into the distribution system, which includes our customers’ homes and businesses, and two elevated storage tanks.
The new tank under construction has an updated design with baffled walls. These walls act like a maze that the water runs through, giving it more “disinfection contact time” to ensure our customers receive the highest quality of drinking water.
“As our service area continues to grow, we need to ensure that our water treatment and storage capacity can meet that increased demand,” said WTP Superintendent Julius Patrick. “This new storage tank is the first step to staying ahead of that growth.”
In the coming months, GUC will also be expanding the existing 22.5 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) Plant to 32 MGD to meet future demands. The new tank will be beneficial during that process, as there will be times the Plant must shut down the treatment process during construction. Having an additional storage tank will allow us to continue delivering drinking water during those shutdowns.
Construction of the new storage tank should be completed this December.