Pipeline Awareness Audit Receives Good Marks

Pipeline Awareness Audit Receives Good Marks
Full compliance and outstanding results. That’s the outcome of GUC’s recent Pipeline Public Awareness Plan (PPAP) audit - and it’s what we were aiming for.
GUC’s natural gas system has nearly 1,200 miles of pipeline, safely transporting natural gas throughout Pitt County. In 2005, the Federal government started requiring all gas and hazardous liquid pipeline operators to file a plan with the Federal government that details the efforts they will take to educate their communities about pipeline safety.
Information that is required to be communicated includes facts about pipelines that are underground, near all of us throughout most of the county; that pipelines are very safe; steps people can take to avoid damaging pipelines (call 811 before you dig); and how to identify and respond to a potential gas leak. In addition, gas utilities must educate excavators, emergency responders, and local officials about response and safety procedures during a natural gas emergency.
The State’s Utilities Commission is responsible for ensuring that pipeline operators have a plan and then comply with the plan through an audit, which is conducted every three to four years. Similar to the 2019 audit, GUC received satisfactory marks, confirming that GUC is following the plan, while also recognizing that we often go above and beyond the minimum requirements of the plan in an effort to keep our employees, customers, and general public safe. The auditor also suggested a few ways to potentially improve on the plan, which are being considered.
Congratulations to the PPAP Committee of Lisa Johnson, Eric Phillips, Anthony Miller, Carl Smith, Jason Cyphers, Parham Stanley, Will Prescott (Gas), and Steve Hawley (Public Information), as well as all of the employees in the Gas Department and Public Information Office for all their work throughout the year to ensure GUC meets and exceeds the requirements of the plan.