Lighthouse Update: Housekeeping

Lighthouse Update: Housekeeping
May 31, 2021
Check out these simple housekeeping tips that can help reduce slip, trip, and fall exposures.
There are many things you can do to avoid the sprains, strains, bruises, bumps, fractures, scratches, and cuts that can come from slipping, tripping, or falling. Whether you work in the field or in the office, keep these things in mind to avoid injuries for yourself and your co-workers.
- Look for slip and trip hazards before you begin work. Clear away debris and loose objects.
- Clean up spills and anything slippery.
- Make sure equipment, tools, supplies, purses, computer bags, backpacks, or lunch totes are placed out of the way.
- Clear walkways, stairs, and lobbies of anything that might be a tripping hazard, such as cords, wires, empty boxes, and clutter.
- When the work is done, make sure to clean up the work area and leave it free from clutter.
Avoiding slips, trips, and falls takes some preparation and common sense – at work and at home!