February 2024 Featured Employee: John Roebuck

February 2024 Featured Employee: John Roebuck
Water Resources Systems Operations/Maintenance (O/M) Crew Leader II John Roebuck leads a team of O/M Technicians specializing in water and sewer distribution projects. The crew is primarily involved in tasks related to both large and small diameter mains and valves, along with service lines. On the construction side, their responsibilities include the installation of new mains and pipes. With maintenance, the team focuses on replacing sections of existing mains, valves, and service lines. Additionally, part of their role involves shutting down mains for maintenance and notifying customers as necessary. He holds a B-Distribution & Collections I Certification from the NC Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board.
FUN FACT! John managed a landscaping crew at the young age of 16!
How long have you been at GUC? It will be 10 years in May.
Do you want to share information about jobs you had before GUC? I worked in plumbing before joining GUC.
Did you serve in other GUC roles before landing in your current role? I began my career with GUC as a Pipe Layer I and progressed to Pipe Layer III, after which I transitioned to a Crew Leader I on both the service and valve trucks.
What are some favorite things about your job? Meeting different people and facing new challenges.
What did you want to be when you were younger? A cop, like my dad.
What motivates you to work hard? My wife and kids.
What is your proudest career accomplishment? I’m proud to meet every goal that I set for myself.
What advice do you offer to those who are new to the utility industry? Learn as much as you can and lean on mentors.
What would you like us to know about your family? I come from a family of service. My dad served in the military and as a cop and my brother and I were both firefighters. My wife, Mellisa, and I have four kids: Charles, 18; Conner, 13; Caden, 15; and Iris, 1 ½. We have a dog, Roxie, who is a Beagle/Cocker Spaniel mix.
What is your favorite family or holiday tradition? Christmas, because it's never a dull moment.
Do you have a favorite family recipe? My grandma’s homemade soup.
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Little John.
Who is your favorite band or singer? My favorite band is Skillet.
Who is your hero? My dad and both of my granddads because if it wasn’t for them then I wouldn’t be the person I am today.
What would you do if you won the lottery? First, I would pay off all my debt, and then help my family expand their church.
Do you collect anything or have any hobbies? I drag race and work on cars.
What emoji do you use the most? The thumbs-up emoji.
Which apps do you use the most? TikTok & Facebook.
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi.
What’s your favorite thing to do when not at work? Spend time with my kids and work on cars.
What is at the top of your bucket list? To buy an old car and restore it with my kids.
What’s your favorite season of the year? Fall.
What’s your favorite snack? Sunflower seeds and white cheddar popcorn.
Do have you have a favorite sports team? Carolina Tar Heels.
What is your favorite local restaurant? DEADWOOD.
What is your favorite movie? 12 Strong.
Beach or mountains? Both.
What’s your biggest pet peeve? When people eat with their mouth open.
What’s your favorite quote? “Don't judge a book by its cover.”
What is one thing that instantly makes your day better? Getting home and seeing my daughter reach for me to pick her up.