Barrier Removed: Bioxide Chemical Feed

Barrier Removed: Bioxide Chemical Feed

May 31, 2018

During an observation on the influent structure at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), employees noted that high levels of hydrogen sulfide were present. This hazardous gas is colorless, flammable, and has a “rotten egg” smell. It is produced by the biological breakdown of sulfates and organic matter in the sanitary sewer collection system. Hydrogen sulfide can cause respiratory distress, eye irritation, and also costly structural damage and corrosion at facilities.

After researching potential solutions, a Bioxide chemical feed was installed at the Southside Pump Station. The addition of Bioxide reduces hydrogen sulfide production between the pump station and the WWTP. Since introducing Bioxide, all levels of hydrogen sulfide are well below any levels of concern for our workers and facilities. Not only is the unpleasant smell gone, but more importantly, our employees are no longer at potential risk from the dangers of hydrogen sulfide.