March 2023 Newsmakers

March 2023 Newsmakers

March 31, 2023

Service Awards

Chris Ray / 25 Years
Chris Ray, Network Analyst III, recently celebrated 25 years of service with GUC. Chris is part of the Infrastructure Team in the IT Department. His primary responsibilities focus on network-related tasks including security, design, routing, maintenance, and troubleshooting. "I like the variety of my work at GUC and appreciate the opportunity to learn and implement new technologies," said Chris. "I also enjoy working with other departments to assist with their network-related needs."




Mike Dunn / 20 Years
Mike Dunn has recently celebrated 20 years with GUC. Mike started in 2003 as a Load Management Technician and is now an Electric Engineering Assistant II. Mike, along with the rest of the Engineering Assistant team, performs a variety of duties related to new service installations, line extensions, and relocation of facilities and area lighting. They then measure and stake the jobs, prepare field sketches, provide for right-of-way clearances, and estimate the materials required for each job. He also designs jobs in our GIS systems, prepares WAM work orders for construction, and manages the field data in GIS. “I’m thankful and blessed to have had the opportunity to grow and learn a lot of new skills at GUC,” he said. “The part I love most about my job is the opportunity to work with the Engineering Assistant team that works great together to see jobs through from start to finish.”



10 Years

Mark Nash, Building and Grounds Supervisor
Joseph Clark, WTP Operation Crew Supervisor

15 Years 

Chris Hudson, Electric Lineworker Second Class


Demetrius Holloway, Cashier II
Bryon Orr, WWTP Operation Crew Leader
Juliet Telfair, Customer Relations Support Analyst Supervisor
Patrick Smith, Water Resources Systems O/M Technician II 
Ramsey Covington, Gas Systems Technician IV


Congratulations to the following Water Treatment Plant employees on obtaining certifications from the NC Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board: Chemist I Brooke Norton received the A-Surface certification; Operator I Corey Mays received the B-Surface certification; Operator I Brad Dunn received the C-Surface certification; Operator III Jose Ricca received the A-Distribution certification; Chemist II Cheryl Irwin received the B-Distribution certification; Water Resources Engineering Assistant II Joe Bronsink and Construction Inspector I Brandon Crocker received the Collection I Operator certification; and Construction Inspector II Robin Walston received the Collection IV Operator certification. Congratulations to the following Wastewater Treatment Plant employees who also obtained certifications: Inventory Work Management Coordinator Jay Wetherington received the Biological I certification; Operator III Darren Rummell received the Collections I certification; and Maintenance Mechanics I Dylan Moore and Justin Williams received the Collections II certification. To obtain these certifications, employees attend weeklong schools where they study and are tested on a variety of topics including pumps, instrumentation, bacteriology, iron and manganese removal, corrosion control, lab procedures, disinfection, and more.    


Our sincere condolences to Staff Support Specialist I Carolyn Jones on the recent passing of her sister, Pam Woods. 

Our sympathies to Chaz Hathaway, WR Systems O/M Technician IV, on the passing of his grandfather, Charles Ray “C.R.” Hathaway.

Our condolences to the family of retiree Juanita Bullock, who recently passed. Mrs. Bullock retired from the Customer Service Department in 2016 after 20 years of service with GUC.

We extend our condolences to the family of retiree Virginia Thompson who has passed. Mrs. Thompson retired from the Electric Department after 20 years of service.

Our condolences also to the family of retiree Russell (Buck) Bryan, who recently passed. Mr. Bryan retired as a Lineworker in GUC’s Electric Department.

Our condolences to the friends, family, and co-workers of Jordan Godley, Water Resources O/M Crew Leader I, who recently passed away. We will honor Jordan with a tribute page in the April Spotlight.





New Hires 

Osman Lopez,
Electric Tree Trimmer I

Hayden Hardy,
Water Resources Systems
O/M Technician I

Maria Johnson,
Senior Financial Planning
and Rates Analyst