CSI Breakfast

CSI Breakfast
It's important that we keep safety in the forefront of everything we do at GUC because safety is part of everything we do, every day. On April 18th, we gathered for a breakfast and All-Employee Update on GUC's Corporate Safety Initiative (CSI).
Our CSI current goals include:
- 3 Million Consecutive Hours Without a Lost Workday Incident
- 300,000 Hours Without an OSHA Recordable Incident
- 1 Million Miles Without a Preventable Vehicle Incident
- Lighthouse — current goal is 70 observations per month; new goal is 280 observations per month
Lighthouse Update:
Brian Greer, Lighthouse Facilitator, gave an overview of the Lighthouse process. We've increased our goal so that we have more information and data to help reduce at-risk behaviors, reinforce safe behaviors, and identify and remove barriers that could cause injuries.
OCDI Safety Culture Assessment:
Information about the Organizational Culture Diagnostic Instrument (OCDI) Survey was shared. This survey measures organizational and cultural factors that impact safety and provides information that can help improve our safety culture. We used the results from the survey we completed in 2012 to begin the Lighthouse process, among other things.
The survey is done via email and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. It was made available to all employees in April, and everyone was encouraged to complete the survey.