February 2017 In The Community

February 2017 In The Community
Career Fairs
GUC employees were busy in February sharing information at career fairs in the communities we serve. Take a look at where we were:
Signing Day
Pitt Community College (PCC), along with 40 plus other technical colleges around the country, hosted its second annual National Signing Day on February 16th. Similar to athletic signings, new students for the 2017-2018 school year "inked" their intentions to attend PCC. The event was designed to honor students who are entering a technical field. GUC and local businesses were invited to the event, giving us a chance to support these students on this special day and validating how we feel about their decisions to learn skills that lead to strong careers. Thank you to George Fuller (Water Resources) and Jason Manning (Wastewater Treatment Plant) for representing GUC at this special event.
ECU Networking Day

Some of our engineering, HR, and IT staff spent time with ECU students and faculty during the ECU College of Engineering and Technology Networking Day on February 9th. The event was open to all ECU students pursuing a degree in the fields of computer science, engineering, construction management, and technology systems. Thank you to Nelson Bansah (IT), Brian Murphy (Electric), and Scott Jablonski (HR) for helping out that day.
ENC Career Alliance
Human Resources employees Kay Spriggs and Angie Fuller shared GUC career information at the Eastern North Carolina Career Alliance (ENCCA) Fair in Raleigh on February 15th. Students and alumni of all ENCCA institutions are invited to attend. Institutions include: Barton College, Meredith College, Methodist University, University of Mount Olive, North Carolina State University College of Humanities and Social Sciences, North Carolina Wesleyan College, and William Peace University.
Elmhurst Elementary

Deanna Castellow and Chad Flannagan (Water Resources) shared utility-related career information with students at Elmhurst Elementary on February 24th.
Wahl-Coates Tour

On February 23rd, Mrs. Coni Clark's third-grade class toured our Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Her class recently read a book "Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs" and had to do a presentation on the "Seven Wonders of Greenville." Last October, one of her students visited the WWTP during its "Trick or Treatment Tour" and did his presentation about his GUC tour. This motivated Mrs. Clark to bring her entire class to the Plant.