April 2023 Newsmakers

April 2023 Newsmakers
Service Awards
James Forrest, Jr. / 20 Years
Underground Electric Crew Leader James Forrest is celebrating 20 years of service with GUC. He started his career in 2003 as a General Utility Worker in Water Resources and later joined the Electric Department as a Tree Trimmer, Overhead Lineworker, Lineclearing Coordinator, and now Crew Leader. James and his crew of four Lineworkers handle installation and maintenance of underground electric lines and transformers for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. They also work overhead lines when needed, are on call every eight weeks to assist with whatever issues arise overnight and on weekends, and rotate on-call shifts with trouble crews. Over the years, James has also helped with power restoration mutual aid efforts across North Carolina as well as Florida, Tennessee, Connecticut, and Massachusetts following large storm events. “I enjoy the people I work with,” said James. “And I like being able work for a utility and learn a skill set that not everybody can do. It’s gratifying to be able to do that and to help folks get their power working again.”
15 Years
Todd Cannon, IT Applications Manager
10 Years
Eban Kea, IT Support Specialist II
Kevin Jones, Electric Lineworker First Class
Brandon Butler, Electric Lineworker First Class
Tonya Roebuck, Customer Relations Team Lead
Denine Hardee, Customer Relations Support Analyst Team Lead
Stephen Roebuck, Gas Systems Technician IV
Dylan Morris, Water Resources Systems O/M Technician III
Kyle Bird, Water Resources Systems O/M Technician II
Matthew D. McLawhorn, Tree Trimmer Crew Leader
Congratulations to IT Network Analyst II Jason White and his wife, Jane Ashley, on the birth of their daughter, Jenny Katherine.
Our sympathies to Kenny McDonald, Master Mechanic, on the passing of his grandfather, Davis Speight Webb.
Thank You's
Jane Cartwright called to compliment Gas Systems Crew Leader II Chris Rouse and Gas Systems Technicians Josh Harrell, Blake Beddard, Carson Knight, and Allen Brooks on their excellent customer service while working in and around her yard. “They were some of the nicest people I have met,” she said. “I really appreciate their hard work.”
Mary Norris called to commend Gas Systems Crew Leader II Chris Rouse and Gas Systems Technicians Blake Beddard, Carson Knight, and Allen Brooks on the respect they displayed during her mother’s funeral procession while the crew was working on East Avenue Road in Ayden. “I was so honored and blown away by them taking the time to stop what they were doing and put their hands over their chest as the procession passed,” she said. “Their act of kindness during that difficult time in my life really made my day.”
Brad Griffin recently commended Customer Contact Representative I Mandy Coldren, Electric Troubleshooter Crew Leader Casey Jones, and Lineworker Third Class Jordan Bradshaw on their excellent customer service. “I contacted the GUC hotline at 1:15 am because of some intermittent partial power issues,” he wrote. “GUC came first thing the next morning and fixed it right away. I got a call from Mandy in customer service and a call from the technician in the field when they were done. Just amazing service!”
New Hires
Adam Wilson,
Gas Service Specialist I
Kendall Daniels,
GIS Technician I
Mildred Betancourth,
WTP Operator I
Domonique Cross,
Water Resources Systems O/M Technician I
Colby Boyd,
Water Resources Systems O/M Technician I
Lance Smith,
Electric Tree Trimmer I