April 2023: Featured Employee Juanita Sims

April 2023: Featured Employee Juanita Sims
Human Resources (HR) Business Partner Juanita Sims joined GUC in May of 2022. In this role, she is the primary HR contact for our Electric Department, General Manager’s Office (including Business Development, Legal, and Public Information), and the Greenville ENC Alliance. This involves helping with interviewing and onboarding new employees, answering benefits questions, assisting with personnel matters, and much more. Before coming to GUC, she held various HR roles, such as the Director of Manufacturing for a protective armor company, 15 years in the US Army’s HR Department, and high school HR business teacher.
Fun fact! Juanita is a proud member of the Lambda Delta Omega chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Within this organization, she attends and leads multiple community events and outreach programs.
Are you involved in any GUC committees or programs? I am a member of GUC’s American Heart Association team.
What did you want to be when you were younger? A judge.
What are your favorite things about your job? I love helping others and just enjoy people in general.
What motivates you to work hard? Being of service to others.
What is your proudest career accomplishment? Being in the U.S. Army.
What was your very first job? I worked on my grandparents’ farm and at my family’s gas station and grocery store.
What advice do you have to offer those who are new to the utility industry? Have safe fun, ask questions, and connect with others.
Do you have a favorite family recipe? My grandmother’s crab pies and seafood macaroni and cheese.
What is your favorite family or holiday tradition? I started the tradition of matching Christmas pajamas for my family when my oldest child was born. We have carried the tradition for 40 years now.
Who is your favorite band or singer? Mary J. Blige.
Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? Cookie and Nita.
Who is your hero? My parents.
Given the chance, who would you like to be for a day? A scientist so that I can find a cure for cancer.
What have been your favorite travel destinations? Lucerne, Switzerland; Ghana, West Africa; and the Swiss Alps.
Is there a celebrity you would like to meet? Viola Davis.
What would you do if you won the lottery? I would share with my family and church then begin to take care of other people, such as my coworkers.
Do you collect anything or have any hobbies? I love to decorate and collect seashells.
What is your favorite movie? Overboard.
What app do you use the most? The Bible app.
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi.
What’s your favorite snack? Anything chocolate.
What emoji do you use the most? Pink and green hearts.
If given the chance, what time period would you want to live in? The American Frontier era.
What’s your favorite thing to do when not at work? Decorate, read, or help with community events.
Do you have a favorite sports team? The Washington Commanders.
What is at the top of your bucket list? Visiting Australia.
What’s your favorite season of the year? Fall.
Beach or mountains? Beach.
What is your favorite restaurant? Any Mexican restaurant.