Manager's Corner- January 2016

Manager's Corner- January 2016

The beginning of a new year gives us a chance to reflect on what we've been able to accomplish over the past year and what lies ahead.  This year marks my 31st year in the utility industry.  I've been fortunate to work with great people throughout the years and will put our team at GUC up against anyone.  Each step of my career has provided me opportunities to learn the utility business from different perspectives as I took on different roles and responsibilities, and from that experience I know how critical each employee is to our organization's success.

Starting in April, I will host a monthly General Manager's Breakfast Roundtable.  These gatherings will be a chance for every employee to meet with me along with employees from other departments in small groups to talk in an informal setting.  We'll have breakfast together and talk about what is going on within GUC, our community, and the utility industry that could impact us and our customers.

If you see something in the news or if you or your coworkers have questions about what is happening, just ask.  Moreover, if you have ideas about how GUC can better serve customers, I want to hear them.  I want this to be a chance where we can talk openly and learn from one another.

As your birthday month approaches, keep an eye on your email. That's when we'll send out your invitation. I look forward to speaking with each and every one of you at a roundtable over the next twelve months.