PPE & How to Get It

PPE & How to Get It

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment and it helps to keep us safe as we go through our daily work routines. Whether you’ve been with GUC for 20 years or 20 days, it’s important to know what types of PPE you can get at the Operations Center. Our Stores Warehouse has a wide variety of PPE in stock for every type of position and job within GUC. 

The following is a highlight of what Stores offers:  

  • Hardhats  
  • High-visual clothing 
  • Safety glasses 
  • Variety of gloves 
  • Insect repellent 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Fire ant killer 
  • And much more! 

When an employee joins GUC for the first time or begins a new role, their supervisor will ensure they get the proper items needed. However, when crews or departments are assigned new processes, there may be questions on what PPE is required. The Safety Office can do a Job Hazard Assessment, or JHA, to determine the best Personal Protective Equipment for the task.  

Once you receive your PPE, you are responsible for the proper care, maintenance and storage of all equipment. Please replace any of your equipment that becomes damaged, expired, or no longer functions as designed by visiting the Stores counter. 

If you need prescription safety glasses, visit the GUC Occupational Health Clinic and they can help you order the perfect set.  

If you have any questions, you can contact the Safety Office at 551-3311 or stop by Stores.