April 2019 Newsmakers

April 2019 Newsmakers
Service Awards
Roger Jones / 40 Years
Director of Electric Systems Roger Jones, P.E., recently celebrated 40 years of service with Greenville Utilities. Roger oversees the Electric Department and Meter Section. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from NC State and is a registered Professional Engineer.
Before coming to GUC in 1979, he worked at VEPCO and Carolina Power & Light (now Duke Energy Progress) in generation and power plant engineering. That broad base of experience gives him first-hand knowledge of the challenges faced by our Electric Department every day.
“It’s been a pleasure to work with good people who have a variety of skills,” said Roger. “I’ve had the unique opportunity to see this department grow and change along with our community and customers.”
When asked what advice he would give to employees, especially those recently starting a career here, he said, “It’s a good place to be. Take it seriously and give it your best.”
Roger and his wife, Jan, married soon after he came to work at GUC. They have five children, Mande, Marle, Tyler, Mallory, and Keais. They also have nine grandchildren, Clara, Alice, Jesse, Ben, Makhenna, Ava, Gordon, Taft, and Merrick, with two more on the way!
Roger and Jan spend much of their spare time enjoying the grandkids.Sharon Daughtridge / 30 Years
Sharon Daughtridge celebrated 30 years of service with GUC this month. As a Water Treatment Plant Operator III, she regulates the treatment process by continuously monitoring and testing the water and making adjustments and chemical changes as needed. Sharon started at the plant as a part-time Laboratory Technician before moving to shift work as an Operator. “Not everyone is cut out for shift work, but it seems to have agreed with me,” she said. “It’s a lot of responsibility making sure we provide clean and safe drinking water for our customers, 24/7, 365 days a year.”
Sharon is married to Donnie, who is a Tree Trimmer for the City of Greenville. They have two children. Their son, Steven, is employed on Patuxenet River Naval Air Station in Maryland. April, their daughter, works at Joy Junction Daycare and has a two-year-old son, Myles. Sharon and her family stay busy fixing up their rental properties and taking care of their dogs and cats. Sharon says she spends much of her spare time enjoying her grandson.
Rebecca Harrison / 20 Years
Credit Officer Rebecca Harrison recently celebrated 20 years of service with Greenville Utilities. She is part of the Credit Section of Customer Relations that administers GUC’s credit policies and procedures. In a nutshell, Rebecca helps protect the assets of GUC while also providing temporary relief to customers during personal emergency situations that can cause hardships. She does this in a variety of ways such as payment extensions and partial payments through social assistance programs, including our Neighbor-to-Neighbor program. “What I have enjoyed the most about working at GUC is helping our customers,” said Rebecca. In her spare time, she enjoys her three kids and four grandsons.
Brad Burroughs, Electric Engineer Assistant I
Congratulations to Pipe Layer II Gustavo Smith and his wife, on the birth of their son, Brayden.