Celebrating Community Ownership

Celebrating Community Ownership
Greenville Utilities celebrated Public Power Week and Public Natural Gas Week October 7 – 12, 2018. These annual events give GUC a chance to celebrate with our community all of the advantages that locally-owned and operated utilities provide.
We shared the many benefits of being a public utility with customers and employees in a variety of ways. Public Information ran print ads in The Daily Reflector. Social media added to our ability to share the news with our customers through a variety of messages and images on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.
In addition, we planned to continue our tradition of wrapping up this special week by participating in Uptown Greenville’s Freeboot Friday. But thanks to Hurricane Michael, we had to reschedule our event participation to November 2nd, which means extended celebration! So stay tuned for this part of the story in November.
Many thanks to all of our departments for spreading the public utility cheer throughout the week with a special theme each day that also included a food drive. At the end of the “Public Utility Spirit Week,” employees had donated 429 pounds food to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC to neighbors in need, which is double what was donated last year. Great job to all!