A Sweet Rescue

A Sweet Rescue
Crews from all our Operating Departments work hard to keep our customers happy, and they occasionally get to make a difference in non-human lives, too. Recently, one of our tree trimming crews was able to do just that while they were removing a dead tree that was too close to a customer’s electric service line.
A honeybee hive was approximately 35 feet up the dead tree, unbeknownst to the crew. “Normally we can see bee or insect activity before we begin our work,” said Robbie Mooring. “But this time, there was nothing to be suspicious of.” When they removed the top portion of the tree, the bees “woke up.”
“I know the bee populations have been declining, so I figured we should attempt to have them relocated,” said Robbie. “After a quick Google search, I found Funny Bug Bees and gave them a call.”
Owner Cliff Murphy came to the rescue within the hour. He says this hive was small and probably a swarm from a local beekeeper. Using a vacuum and hive box system, he safely removed and relocated this "sweet” family to his bee apiary in Kinston so that our crew could continue their work.
Bees are not harmed by the vacuum. During rescues, Cliff is able to control the vacuum suction through an opening in the bee house box, turning it down to a pressure that allows the bees to simply “go with the flow” into the transport box.
Mr. Murphy says that rescuing bees is not really a part of his business, which sells components, parts, tools, and equipment to beekeepers. “It’s something I enjoy doing for our community and for the declining bee population,” he said.