Electric Reaches Two Million Safe Hours

Electric Reaches Two Million Safe Hours
Greenville Utilities' Electric Department recently celebrated a significant safety milestone — two million consecutive man hours without a lost workday incident!
A lost workday incident happens when an employee is injured on the job and cannot come back to work the next day. "Our department has not had a lost workday injury since August 2009," said Roger Jones, Director of Electric Systems. "What's worthy of noting is that during this time period, we worked through some big storms in our service area and on mutual aid trips. We helped in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Matthew right here at home. Recovery efforts from storms like these create unusually challenging conditions, and we managed to remain injury-free through all of them."
To honor the accomplishment, each Electric Department employee was awarded 6,000 safety incentive points, and a commemorative long-sleeve t-shirt.
Passing the two-million hour milestone is a fantastic achievement. Our employees going home in the same or better condition every day is the real measure of our success.
Congratulations on a significant safety accomplishment!