Todd Rouse Retires

Todd Rouse Retires

Chief Analytics Officer Todd Rouse recently retired after 28 years of service at Greenville Utilities, with 25 of those years in the Electric Department as the Substation and Controls Engineer.

As a lifelong resident of Pitt County, Todd said he has seen a lot of economic changes and growth in our community. "Over the years, this community has provided so much to me and my family," he said. "It's been a privilege to be able to give back through my various roles at Greenville Utilities."                  

As the former Substation and Controls Engineer, Todd's main focus was system reliability. To put it plainly, Todd helped to minimize power inter�ruptions. He was also responsible for the planning, construction, and maintenance of substations, and oversaw the transformer shop. In that role, Todd worked through a lot of challenging situations, like the "Flood of the Century" following Hurricane Floyd in 1999.

Prior to Floyd, Todd said the highest he had ever seen the Tar River crest was 21 feet. Floyd caused the river to rise to 29 feet. "After Hurricane Dennis passed through, and we saw that Floyd was headed this way, the Electric Department planned for a 100-year flood, but was faced with a 500-year flood," said Todd. "I'm glad that we were prepared for the worst because we ended up doing things we had never done before, working in conditions we had never worked in. To this day, I'm still impressed with how our employees, and our community, got through such a rough time. The same holds true for today, as we still have a first rate workforce and supportive community."

Todd's exemplary leadership for 25 years in the Electric Department, as well as other roles (like Chair of the Corporate Safety Initiative Steering Team, among many others), led him to the role as Chief Operating Officer in 2012, and then to his current position as Chief Analytics Officer (CAO) in 2014. As CAO, Todd oversees the Analytics Office, comprised of a Senior Financial Planning and Rates Analyst and a Financial Intern.

The Analytics Office was developed as a dedicated resource to focus on the North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Association's electric generating assets sale to Duke Energy Progress (which was finalized in July 2015), and to take on the long-term responsibility for our rate modeling and financial forecasting. Todd and his team also focus on bill comparisons to other utilities, special project analysis for the General Manager's Office, and analysis of how industry regulations and technology advances affect our rates and business processes.

One big undertaking that Todd's team recently did was create an interactive model to help the Management Team make decisions on project planning, prioritizing, and budgeting. "So much goes into funding projects," said Todd. "GUC uses cash, state revolving loan funds, bonds, etc. to pay for projects. Our new model includes all of the moving parts in one spreadsheet, even Key Performance Indicators, which are vital to making important project decisions."

A Pitt County native, Todd graduated from D.H. Conley High School and earned his B.S. in Electrical Engineering at N.C. State. He later earned his M.B.A. at ECU. He and his wife, Kim, have been married 30 years and have two daughters. Samantha is a senior nursing student at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and her older sister, Jordan, is a high school math teacher in Union County. Todd is a partner at Ignite Church and enjoys running, biking and swimming. In his retirement, Todd will work as the Operations Manager for Substation and Protection with Booth and Associates in Raleigh.

In addition to missing the friendships that he's formed at GUC, Todd says he'll miss the diversity that has come with his GUC career. "No two days were the same, and I've enjoyed all of the technical challenges along the way," he said.

Congratulations on your retirement Todd. You deserve it!