February 2020: In The Community

February 2020: In The Community
Energy Savings Tips
A big thank you to Energy Services Officer Jonathan Sergeant for inspiring young minds and sharing energy conservation tips with third-grade students at Oakwood School on the 26th. He also represented GUC at the Parents for Public Schools’ Parent Engagement Program tour at Chicod School this month.
ECU School Communications Career Fair
Steve Hawley (Public Information) shared career advice and insights into the communications field with ECU School of Communications students on February 6th during the school’s annual Communications Career Panel that precedes their Career Fair. Following the panel discussion, Emily Garner, Karin Fullington and Kate Kosolapova (Public Information) spent the afternoon sharing information about GUC opportunities with Communications students during the Career Fair.
Pirate Basketball
Greenville Utilities was on hand at two East Carolina University Men’s basketball games in February to show our support for the ECU Pirates. Thank you to Carolyn Jones (Customer Relations - pictured) and Linda Clark (Public Information) for handing out GUC promotional items and answering customer questions.
Elmhurst Elementary
Big thanks to Master Mechanic Kevin Lockamy for taking a GUC bucket truck to Elmhurst Elementary School Careers on Wheels on February 20th. The kids had a blast during that event!
C.M. Eppes
Big thanks to Maurice Ampley and Jeffrey Clemmons with Water Resources for inspiring young minds at the C.M. Eppes Middle School Career Fair on February 26th.