All employees were treated to breakfast on March 4th for an update on our Corporate Safety Initiative (CSI). We have had many successes with CSI over the last seven years, and have continued the stretch to reach new goals.
The updated CSI goals are:
- Work 3 million consecutive hours without a Lost Workday Incident
- Work 300,000 consecutive hours without an OSHA Recordable Incident
- Drive 1 million miles without a Preventable Vehicle Incident
- Conduct 1,200 annual peer observations
Strategies help us work toward reaching our goals. The CSI Committee works with ad-hoc committees to discuss and recommend the actions needed to get us where we want to be. Here are some of the strategies for 2015-2017:
- Bright Report — this shows which at-risk behaviors are being observed as part of the Lighthouse process and gives all departments a common language to use in their safety meetings. By encouraging discussion about these at-risk areas, we can address them company-wide.
- Crew Leader/Manager Involvement — Plans are underway to include crew leaders and managers more in the Lighthouse process. More to come on this soon.
- Serious Injury and Fatality Prevention — The focus of this strategy is on serious and life-altering incidents and identifying precursors, leading indicators, and high risk exposures so that we can reduce those exposures.
- Making Safety Personal — This strategy focuses on our personal responsibility to others. This campaign goes beyond statistical recognition and aims to foster true desires for safety, where hazard recognition and injury prevention become a way of life, 24 hours a day.
An update on the Lighthouse process was shared at the breakfast. Lighthouse is our peer observation process that began several years ago. The Lighthouse Steering Team identified critical behaviors which have contributed to injuries and accidents in the past.
Trained employees conduct peer-to-peer observations and provide feedback to reinforce safe behaviors and reduce behaviors that put employees at risk for injuries. Data from those observations is used to identify and remove barriers to safe job performance.
To date, 39 employees have been trained as Observers, with 24 actively participating. Over 200 employees have completed the one-day training class to learn more about the process. A total of 877 observations have been performed, identifying 66 at-risk behaviors and over 9,000 safe behaviors. Seven barriers have been removed.
Safety Incentives
This year, a Safety Incentive Ad Hoc Committee was formed to evaluate our safety incentives and recommend changes. Here are the new incentives:
- Hours Without Lost Work Day Injury
- Celebration luncheon for employees at each 1M milestone
- Incentive points awarded to all employees at each milestone:
> 1M hours — 6,000 points
> 2M hours — 15,000 points
> 3M hours — 25,000 points - 1 Million Miles Driven without Preventable Vehicle Incident:
- Celebration luncheon for employees
- 10,000 Incentive points award to all employees - Lighthouse
- 50 points per observation (for 4 -6 observations/month)
- Observer's immediate supervisor receives 25 points for every 200 points earned by observer
- Steering Team member receives 6,000 points after each two-year term
Occupational Health Services
Last year, there were more than 2,000 visits to our clinic. Several updates have been made to our Occupation Health Services:
- We now offer prescriptions for covered individuals
- Spouses and children over 13 who are covered by our insurance can been seen at the clinic
Many thanks to the CSI Steering Committee for the work they do throughout the year to guide this process: John Powell, Chair; Julius Patrick, Vice-Chair; Steve Porter; Hunter Dixon; Lee Ausbon; Cliff Cahoon; James Whitaker; Steve Hawley; Carl Smith, Past Chair; Lou Norris; Kevin Keyzer; and Kelly Smith.